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True Luna novel (Emma and Logan) novel Chapter 105

Chapter 105 Help Me

Emma POV

The door to my office burst open.

I almost had a heart attack.

I was so focused on work that I didn’t even hear anyone approaching my office.

“Goddess, Amy.” I said, placing my hand over my heart. “You are going to give me a heart attack.”

Emma, baby, what’s wrong?! I heard Logan’s panicked voice in my head.

I am okay. I mind-linked him back. Amy burst into my office. I was focused on work, and I didn’t hear her coming.

Goddess, baby. Logan mumbled. I got so freaked out.

I am sorry. I said. I am okay. Don’t worry.

I will always worry, baby. Logan said softly. That’s my job.

I love you. I told him.

I love you too. He responded softly..

I cut our mind-link and focused on Amy.

She raised an eyebrow at me and sat down on the couch.

“You didn’t hear me coming?” she asked. “Aren’t you a werewolf?”

“I was focused on work.” I sighed. “How can I help you?”

“You are working too much, Emmy.” Amy sighed, frowning at me. “That girls’ day wasn’t enough. You need to take a

little break.”

“I will take a break when everything gets done.” I said, leaning back in my chair. “I have too much to do to even be thinking about taking a break.”

“You are running a pack.” Amy sighed, rolling her eyes. “There will always be something to do.”

I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair.

“I know.” I mumbled. “I just want to be a good Luna, you know? I want my pack members to have everything. I want them to be taken care of. I want them to live in a nice pack. I want them to be happy.”

“You are a great Luna!” Amy exclaimed as she stood up and came to sit on a chair in front of my desk. “Are you

kidding me? Our pack members adore you!”

A small smile spread across my face.

“But you can’t help them if you get sick, Emmy.” Amy continued softly. “And you are going to get sick if you continue like this. Did you even eat today?”

I bit my lower lip and shook my head.

“Goddess, Emma.” Amy sighed, rolling her eyes.

She stood up and approached me. She grabbed my hand, pulled me up, and started leading me out of my office.

“Where are we going?” I asked, trying to pull my hand out of her tight grip. “I can’t leave yet, Amy.”

“We are going to the diner.” Amy said

sternly. “You are eating, and we are talking about my problem.”

“But…” I tried to argue, but Amy interrupted me.

“No buts.” she said as she stopped in front of Logan’s office.

She opened the door and walked inside, pulling me behind her.

Logan was sitting at his desk with a bunch of papers in front of him. He was already looking at us. Unlike me, he heard us coming. One of his eyebrows was raised, and his eyes were focused on Amy’ hand on my arm.

I could feel him tense up. I could tell that he wasn’t sure if he should react or


“Hello, Alpha.” Amy said. “I just wanted

to let you know that I am taking your mate to lunch. She hasn’t eaten anything today.”

Logan’s eyes snapped to me.

“You haven’t eaten?” he growled.


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