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True Luna novel (Emma and Logan) novel Chapter 108

Chapter 108

Emma POV

My heart raced as I rushed toward the bathroom.

“Amy?” I called my friend as I knocked on the door.

“I’m not done, Emma.” she said.

“I have to go.” I told her. “Go with the red one. It’s definitely the best.”

The bathroom door opened, and Amy looked at me with a confused

expression on her face.

“What?” she asked. “Where are you going?”

“Mike mind-linked me.” I said. “A woman is at the border, and she wants to talk to me.”

Amy’s eyes widened. “A woman? Who is she?”

I really didn’t have time to explain.

“I will let you know as soon as I am done talking to her, okay?” I said as I turned around and rushed toward the bedroom door. “I will be right back.”,

“Wait, Emma…” Amy shouted, but I didn’t have time to wait.

I needed to go. I needed to talk to that witch.

“Shit.” I heard Amy mumble as I opened the door and rushed outside.

My brother, Logan, and Drake were standing outside of Amy’s house. They were talking, and all of them had frowns on their faces. My brother saw me first.

“What’s wrong?” he asked, and his frown was replaced with a worried look.

“Mike mind-linked me.” I said, feeling more nervous by the second. “There is a woman at the border. She says that she is a witch and that she wants to talk to me.”

Logan’s growl nearly made me go deaf.

“What?” my brother growled menacingly.

“Shit.” Drake mumbled, clenching his fists.

“Fuck no.” Logan said, grabbing me and tightening his arms around me. “Go to the packhouse, Emma. Andrew, link Lewis. We are going to the border.”

“Logan, no.” I argued. “She wanted to talk to me. She is alone. If she wanted

to hurt me, she wouldn’t just ask for me. She would attack our patrol.”

“I am not letting you get hurt!” Logan growled in my ear. “Go to the packhouse.”

I tried to get out of his arms, but he only tightened his hold on me.

“She could know something about me, Logan.” I sighed. “She just wants to talk.”

“You don’t fucking know that!” Logan growled loudly.

“Emma!” I heard Amy’s voice as she ran out of her house.

I looked at Amy, who sighed in relief.

“I thought that you would go alone.” Amy said, placing a hand over her heart.

“Thank Goddess that the guys were still here.”

“She isn’t going at all.” Logan growled as he picked me up. “She is going to the packhouse.”

“Logan…” I spoke, but he interrupted

“Emma, don’t.” he said sternly.

“We will talk to her and bring her to you if she is harmless.” Andrew got involved in our fight. “But we can’t let you go to her until we are sure that she won’t hurt you.”


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