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True Luna novel (Emma and Logan) novel Chapter 135

True Luna by Tessa Lilly 135

Chapter 135 Emotions

Logan POV

It was hard for me to describe what I was feeling.

Anger. I really fucking wanted to kill someone. I wanted to punch and scream until I ran out of air.

Pain. My mate was going to dinner with another man. My body hurt. My soul hurt. My heart was in fucking pieces.

Sadness. My wife was going out with another man. I really fucking wanted to cry.

Frustration. I was helpless. There wasn’t anything I could have done.

Fear. What if she liked him more? What if she decided that she wanted him more than me?

Leon had a whole range of his own emotions, and that wasn’t helpful. I constantly had to keep him from taking over.

“I can feel your emotions, Logan.” Emma said as she pulled her jeans up. You don’t have to be afraid.”

I gulped and clenched my fists.

Of course I had to be afraid. What if she saw him in another light after tonight? What if he managed to take her away from me? What if all of our efforts wouldn’t be enough to stop him from taking her? What if she wanted to leave with him?

‘NO!’ Leon growled loudly.

I took a deep breath and tried to ignore him.

Emma pulled a sweater over her

head and approached me.

She sat down in my lap and ran her fingers through my hair. Her touch and her scent relaxed me immediately.

“I can’t read your thoughts, but I’m pretty sure that I know what you are thinking right now.” Emma said softly. “I’m not going to leave you. I love you.”

I gulped and studied her face for a second.

“He could be a good man.” I mumbled. “He could be worthy.”

Emma sighed and shook her head.

“Eliza doesn’t like him.” Emma said, making the curiosity inside me grow. “She likes his wolf, but not Nathan.”

Leon perked his ears.

‘Did Eliza tell you about this?’ I asked him.

‘No.’ he said, focusing on Emma.

“She doesn’t like him?” I mumbled.

“No.” Emma confirmed, shaking her head. “She said that Nathan is reckless and impulsive. She doesn’t blame Noel, though. She said that Noel is a good wolf.”

Of course Eliza didn’t blame Nathan’s wolf. I completely understood that. I rarely blamed

wolves for their humans’ mistakes. I rarely thought that a wolf was as bad as his human was.

“That’s a good thing.” I mumbled as I tightened my arms around Emma.

“Yes.” Emma said, smiling at me. “Eliza thinks that you are our Goddess-given mate.”

A small wave of relief washed over me. I gave her a small smile, and she pressed her lips against mine.

savored the taste of her lips. It was the best fucking thing in the world.

“I love you.” she mumbled against my lips. “You don’t have to be afraid.”

I took a deep breath and leaned my forehead against hers.

“I think that I’m more afraid that he will do something to you.” I mumbled, feeling my broken heart break even more.

“I can defend myself.” Emma said as she caressed my cheek. “Our warriors will be outside. Nothing bad

will happen. You will pick me up in an hour, and we will come back home.”

I couldn’t fucking wait for that moment.


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