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True Luna novel (Emma and Logan) novel Chapter 170

True Luna by Tessa Lilly (The Unknown Magic)

The White Wolf Series Book 4 – CHAPTER TWO – In Love

Jacob & Rose (Rose’s POV)

He was so beautiful, and I was so in love with him.

There wasn’t another word to describe him. He was beautiful. He was tall, muscular, and so freaking hot that I had to stop myself from drooling.

He was great with kids too.

“Yes, Alex, I will be back soon,” he said with a small smile. “Yes, I will bring you back a gift.”

He looked up at me and smiled.

Who was Alex? I could tell he was a child by how he babbled over the phone. I didn’t even know how Jacob understood him.

“Give your sister a k*iss for me, will you?” Jacob said.

I heard the kid say something that made Jacob laugh. My heart fluttered. He was so freaking hot when he laughed.

“Hi, Amy,” I heard him say, but I focused only on his l*ips.

I wanted to know what they felt like against mine. I wanted to know what they tasted like. I was drooling after him, and Roxy wasn’t helping with her constant comments.

‘He is so pretty,’ she sighed. ‘I can’t wait to meet his wolf.’

‘Stop sighing all the time,’ I told her. ‘You are distracting me.’

‘He is distracting us,’ Roxy mumbled. ‘How could he not? He is perfect.’

I rolled my eyes and ignored her. I had trouble keeping my own emotions in check, and I didn’t need hers as well.

“I will be home soon,” Jacob said. “Yes, you will get to meet her.”

He called to tell his cousin and his friend about me. Based on their reactions, I could tell that they were really excited to meet me. I was excited to meet them too.

“Say hi to my niece for me,” Jacob said with a small smile.

He told me that his cousin was pregnant and that he couldn’t wait to meet her baby. I could tell that he really loved and cared for his family.

Jacob hung up the phone and looked at me. He smiled, and I immediately approached him. I really needed to t*ouch him.

He pulled me onto his lap, and I pressed my l*ips against his immediately. Both of us m*oaned quietly. He tasted as delicious as I knew he would. “F*uck, Rose,” he mumbled and tightened his arms around me.

I could feel something hard under my b*utt, and I grinned.

I k*issed him again, pressing myself closer to him. His hands traveled down my body. He gripped my b*utt and squeezed.

I shivered. I wanted more. I really, really wanted more.

We would have to wait, though. We couldn’t have sex in the middle of my parents’ living room.

“So, who is Alex?” I asked as I stopped k*issing him.

I needed a distraction. We needed a distraction.

“My friend’s kid,” he said with a small smile. “He is cute. I love him.” He smiled, and it made my heart skip a beat. I could tell that he was going to be a great father.

“He has a sister?” I asked, remembering his conversation with the boy. “Yes,” Jacob nodded. “A twin. They are inseparable.”

“How old are they?” I asked, wanting to know more about the people who mattered to him.


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