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True Luna novel (Emma and Logan) novel Chapter 179

True Luna by Tessa Lilly (The Unknown Magic)

The White Wolf Series Book 4 – CHAPTER SEVEN – The Crescent Moon Pack

(Hunter’s POV)

“Welcome to the Crescent Moon Pack, Alpha Hunter,” a warrior at the border said, bowing down to me.

“Thank you,” I said, giving him a small smile.

“Please continue driving,” the warrior told me. “Alpha and Luna will welcome you at the packhouse.”

I smiled and nodded, closing the window back up.

Holden stirred.

‘What’s wrong?’ I asked him.

‘I don’t know,’ he mumbled. ‘I’m nervous. You need to be careful.’

I sighed and shook my head.

‘Iknow, Holden,’ I said. ‘Nothing bad will happen. Stop worrying.’ ‘I am an Alpha wolf,’ he growled a little. ‘It’s in my nature to be careful all the time.’

‘Iknow,’ I said, trying not to chuckle at him. ‘I am sorry.’

I could feel his annoyance grow, but he didn’t say anything.

I held back the laugh and continued driving toward the packhouse.

The land was beautiful. I was driving through thick forest and I just wanted to jump out of the car and run. The towering trees surrounded the road on either side, their branches were stretching out overhead like a leafy canopy. Sunlight filtered through the dense branches. The air was fresh and cool, scented with the sweet aroma of pine needles and damp earth. The gentle

hum of the car engine was the only sound that disturbed the quiet of the forest. The forest seemed to stretch on forever.

I could sense the wolves who were standing guard in the forest.

Suddenly, the forest opened up, and I found myself driving out into a clearing. I smiled, taking in the change of scenery.

I saw the packhouse ahead and I slowed the car down.

My eyes caught a glimpse of a couple who was standing at the entrance to the packhouse and greeting the guests. They were smiling and shaking their guests’ hands.

I knew immediately who it was. Logan and Emma Carter, Alpha and Luna of the Crescent Moon Pack.

Luna Emma was beautiful. She had brown hair and blue eyes. She looked kind and loving. She was radiating an aura of peace and tranquility to all those around her. Her eyes sparkled with a gentle light, and her smile was warm and welcoming.

Alpha Logan was a strong and dominant man who exuded an aura of power and control. His very presence commanded attention and respect. I could tell how fiercely protective he was of his Luna. His arm was wrapped around her waist and he was holding her close. No one dared to get too close to her.

I got out of my car and took a deep breath.

Suddenly, I was very nervous to approach them.

I locked my car and fixed my posture.

I had to tell myself that I could do this. I was a freaking Alpha of the oldest pack.

I walked up to Alpha and Luna.

Their eyes fell on me and I could feel the nervousness grow.

“Alpha Logan, Luna Emma,” I said politely, bowing my head a little. “Alpha Hunter,” Alpha Logan said. “Welcome to the Crescent Moon Pack.” I looked up and saw Luna Emma smiling at me. Alpha Logan was careful. His arm tightened around his mate’s waist.

“Thank you for having me,” I said. “I am grateful that you decided to let me come.”

“Of course, Alpha Hunter,” Luna smiled. “It wouldn’t be fair to punish a young Alpha for something that happened almost 20 years ago.”

I smiled at her.

“You are always welcome to our pack,” Alpha Logan said, making me look at him.

I certainly wasn’t expecting him to say that.

“As long as you don’t hurt anyone, of course,” he added, giving me a stern look.


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