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True Luna novel (Emma and Logan) novel Chapter 19

Chapter 19 Alpha Drake

Emma POV

I was still shaking. I could still feel his lips on mine and his hands on my body. Goddess, I never wanted him to stop kissing me and touching me. Nothing will ever feel that good.

When I sat down at the table, I could see Andrew eyeing me suspiciously, and I gave him a little smile.

I looked around the table and saw that Sienna was giving me a death glare. I kept thinking that everybody knew what we did outside.

I took a deep breath to calm myself. Nobody knew. I was being ridiculous.

My gaze stopped at a pair of brown eyes I haven’t seen before. They belonged to a huge man, and I instantly knew he was Alpha Drake. He was

looking at me with a small smile on his lips.

“What is your name, beautiful?” he asks

“It is Emma, Alpha Drake.” I said and bowed my head in respect.

“Well, Emma, I was telling your brother earlier that I would gladly take you as my chosen mate. You are stunning.” he said.

Every wolf in the room turned to look at him. Everybody was shocked that he would publicly claim something like that. Mate issue, and especially chosen mate issue, was a private, family thing. It was discussed behind closed doors and announced publicly when the bond was forged.

I looked at my brother. Did he agree? I

was terrified.

Calm down, little one. I am not letting him near you. I made it very clear to him. He mind-linked me, and I immediately relaxed.

I turned back to look at Alpha Drake, who was smiling brightly at me. Logan was staring at him, and I was pretty sure he would kill him if he continued talking about making me his.

“Don’t worry, little wolf.” Alpha Drake said when nobody else said a word. “Your brother told me you still haven’t found your true mate, and he wants to give you the opportunity to find him. But

you don’t, please come find me. It would be a great honor to have a Luna as beautiful and powerful as you.”


Logan was going to lose it. He was shaking, and I was pretty sure that he

was seconds away from shifting. For Goddess sake, he would start a war.

Thankfully, Alpha Drake was staring at me, and he hadn’t noticed that Logan is ready to kill him.

Sienna was glaring between Alpha Drake and me, and I didn’t know who she would like to kill first. He wounded her ego when he called me beautiful and powerful. Not that I was, though.

I needed to calm Logan before he did something stupid.

Logan, please calm down. I mind-linked him. I will never be his.

His eyes snapped to me and I could see him relax. Thank Goddess. I didn’t want him to ruin an alliance because of me. And it was not Alpha Drake’s fault. I was an unmated she-wolf. I was fair game.

I averted my gaze back to Alpha Drake. “Thank you, Alpha. You are very kind.”

He smiled brightly at me and, thankfully, changed the subject.

I looked down at my plate and started eating.

From that moment on, conversation was mainly about pack business. Alpha Drake was interested in the way Logan was running things around here.

I could feel Alpha Drake glancing at me all night long. Logan was watching him like he was ready to kill him any second.

We had just finished eating dessert, when Luna Gloria called my name.

“Emma, honey, can you give me a hand with something, please?” she asked me.

I smiled and nodded. “Of course, Luna.”

I stood up and I could feel Logan’s eyes roaming all over my body. Even his gaze left tingles and sparks all over.

I walked behind Luna Gloria, wondering why she needed my help. She led me to the bathroom and closed the door behind me.

I looked at her confused. Why were we here, in the bathroom of all places?


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