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True Luna novel (Emma and Logan) novel Chapter 193

True Luna by Tessa Lilly (The Unknown Magic)

The White Wolf Series Book 4 – CHAPTER TWENTY-ONE – The Darkness

(Alexander’s POV)

I didn’t want to do this.

I didn’t want him to know anything. He could use it against her. He could hurt her. He could tell the others and they could come for her.

We never told anyone the truth about Fia’s magic. We never told anyone how dangerous her darkness really was. We were afraid that others would come for her. We were afraid that they would want to destroy her and her magic.

Just the thought of someone hurting her made me see red. I would f*ucking kill everyone who dared to t*ouch her.

I wasn’t sure about Hunter. He seemed like he really wanted her, but he didn’t know the truth. He didn’t know how dangerous she was. Well, not her, but her magic.

Fia’s darkness was draining the light out of her. Each time it surfaced or Fia tried to destroy it, it would kill a part of her light magic. It would completely drain out Fia’s energy. Fia would have to rest for days after it. One time when we were around 15 years old, the darkness almost killed her. I hated remembering that. I hated remembering how it felt to almost lose her.

Are you completely sure about this, Fia? I mind-linked her again. We can still end this conversation.

I am sure, Lex. She said softly. He deserves to know.

If he rejects you and tells someone… I spoke, but she interrupted me.

I will beg him not to. Fia said. I will find a way, Lex. Don’t worry.

I furrowed my eyebrows and squeezed her shoulders. Was she serious?

Are you crazy? I sighed. You are my twin. We are just about to tell a stranger that you are the most dangerous being on this planet. He could use this information against you. He could tell other people. They could take you away from me. They could hurt you. I am not worried, Fia. I am f*ucking terrified.

I could feel her tense up. She glanced up at me.

I know, Lex. She mumbled. I am scared too, but I have a feeling that he won’t do that. Even if he decides to reject me, he won’t tell anyone about me.

How can you be so sure? I asked, frowning at her. We don’t know him. He is a stranger, Fia.

Fia sighed.

This is a bad idea, Fia. I said. We shouldn’t do this. We should… “Alex?” my mom’s voice interrupted our mind-link.

I looked at her.

“I am so sorry, Alpha Hunter,” my mom sighed. “They always do this.”

I looked at Hunter who was staring at Fia and me with a worried look on his face.

Fia and I would sometimes get so focused on our conversation that we would tune out everything and everyone around us.

“I am sorry, Hunter,” Fia said softly. “Lex and I sometimes get lost in our conversation.”

Hunter smiled at her. “That’s okay, my love. I understand.”

Fia glanced up at me.

I don’t like him. I mind-linked her. Why does he already have a nickname for you?

Fia sighed and looked back at Hunter.

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