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True Luna novel (Emma and Logan) novel Chapter 27

Chapter 27 The Search

Logan POV

It had been four fucking days since Emma went missing.

We have been searching the area where Sienna said that the rogue took her. We found nothing.

I was going insane. I haven’t slept since she went missing. I was angry and irritable. My pack was leaving me alone, and the only time anyone spoke to me was when they had news about the search.

I attacked one of my warriors the day after she went missing. It was an accident, of course. He was fine. A couple of broken ribs that healed quickly. But it was enough for everybody to keep their distance now. Everybody except Drake and Andrew.

Andrew was as pissed off as I was. He hadn’t been sleeping as well. We were out there in the woods, searching, and we came home once a day only to eat something.

Leon hadn’t been talking to me at all. He was either growling or whining, but he refused to talk to me. I knew that he would love to stick his claws up my ass. He blamed me for Emma’s disappearance, and I didn’t think he woul talk to me until I found her.

“We still haven’t searched here, I think.” Drake mumbled and pointed to a location on a map.

Drake, Andrew, and I were in my office, looking at a map of the area and trying to figure out a location we still hadn’t searched.

“This would be so much easier if we

could catch just a whiff of her scent.” Andrew growled.

“Sienna said he is dosing her with wolfsbane and he is probably using a masking spray on himself.” Drake said. “We won’t be able to smell her.”

“I know.” Andrew sighed and ran his hand through his hair.

I walked up to Drake and looked down at the location on a map he is pointing at.

“We searched that area yesterday.” I frowned.

“Shit.” he said and sat down. “We have to find her.”

I narrowed my eyes at him. I was grateful he was helping us, but his worry for

my mate was getting on my nerves.

“Why are you so worried about her?” I snapped at him. “She is mine.”

He looked up at me and frowned. “Since when? The last time I checked, you rejected her.”

I clenched my fists and gritted my teeth together. I would kill him.

“Enough.” Andrew interfered. “Logan, we are lucky he is here. He helped a lot. Drake, you know damn well that rejection doesn’t erase the bond. So, unless you want Logan to lose it, don’t challenge his claim on her.”

Drake and I glared at each other.

I knew that Andrew was right. Drake being here was really helpful. He had great ideas and he was the only one with a clear head.

“I am sorry, Logan.” Drake sighed. “Andrew is right. I am just protective of her. I don’t know her well, but I can tell she is an amazing she-wolf. She grabbed my heart as soon as I met her. If she really is a white wolf, she will be Luna to all of us. And that means she will be my Luna as well. And I will protect her, always.”

She is amazing, isn’t she? I wanted to tear myself apart. How did I not see that sooner? How could I ever think she was not strong enough?

“I am an idiot.” I mumbled.

“Yes, you are.” Drake said. “You better hope she forgives you.”

“She will.” Andrew said quietly. “She will forgive you and she will forgive me. If she doesn’t, I don’t know how I will continue on.”

“She will forgive you, man.” Drake told him. “You are her brother.”


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