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True Luna novel (Emma and Logan) novel Chapter 30

Chapter 30 Waiting

Logan POV

I was sitting in the fucking waiting room, staring at a white wall.

I don’t think I have ever been in so much pain.

I don’t think I have ever been this angry.

I wanted to kill. I could taste Rolf’s and Sienna’s blood on my tongue. They would suffer.

When I saw Emma laying there, all beaten and covered in blood, with that fucker touching her, I felt a wave of anger like never before. Leon turned into a monster. He was no longer a wolf. He will rip Rolf and Sienna apart when I let him.

“Logan!” my mom’s panicked voice pulled me from my thoughts.

I stood up and hugged her. I needed it. I needed my mom to tell me that everything was going to be okay.

“How is she?” Amy asked with a trembling voice, looking at Andrew.

“I don’t know.” he sighed, leaning against the wall. “She was barely breathing when we found her.”

Amy sobbed, and my mom gasped loudly.

“She will be okay.” I said with a shaky voice. “She has to be okay.”

“She will be.” I heard a voice behind me say. “She is the strongest person I know.”

It was Jacob.

As soon as I saw him, a wave of

jealousy hit me like a fucking train. What the hell was he doing here? I narrowed my eyes at him and clenched my fists.

He walked over to Amy and hugged her. She was sobbing into his chest.

“It is okay, Amy.” he said. “She will be okay. She is my strong girl.”

I saw red.

“Your strong girl?” I growled loudly.

“All due respect, Alpha, she is mine.” he said calmly. “You had your chance and you ruined it. I asked her to be my chosen mate and I hope she will say yes.”

I was shaking and I was on the verge of shifting. What the fuck was he talking about? He wasn’t taking her away from

  1. She was MINE.

I growled loudly and lunged at him.

I was stopped by two strong hands. Andrew held me back.

“Stop!” Andrew growled. “Jacob leave.”

“Beta Andrew, no.” Jacob said. “My mate is inside, and I am not leaving.”

I was growling and Leon was in full control now. I would shift and rip him into pieces if he didn’t leave.

“Jacob, the mate bond between Logan and Emma is not broken.” Andrew said, squeezing me tighter. “Until Emma accepts you and you mark her, she is not your mate. She is Logan’s. And if you continue, I will not be able to hold him back. You know how possessive wolves are over their mates. And Logan

is an Alpha. You are digging yourself a very deep grave by being here right


I was taking deep breaths. I hadn’t stopped growling.

‘I am killing that fucker!’ Leon screamed. ‘He is not taking my mate! She is mine!’

“Jacob, honey, I know you love her.” my mom said and stood in front of Jacob. “But you need to leave. Emma wouldn’t want to hear you two fighting when she wakes up. Amy will let you know when you can come back and see her.”

“He is not going anywhere near her!” I yelled.


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