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True Luna novel (Emma and Logan) novel Chapter 32

Chapter 32 In The Hospital

Logan POV

I started pacing around nervously. My gaze was at the door the whole time. I needed that nurse to come out and take me to my mate.

“I will take care of the pack, honey.” my mom told me. “I won’t bother you unless it is an emergency.”

I nodded absentmindedly. Nothing was important at this moment. I just wanted my mate in my arms. I just wanted Emma.

The door finally opened, and nurse Rose came out.

“Alpha, Beta, please follow me.” she said and walked back inside.

Andrew and I ran inside. I could hear my mom telling me to link them when she

wakes up, but I didn’t have time to answer. I rushed inside and headed straight to Emma’s room.

“Alpha, wait!” the nurse called me.

I stopped and turned to look at her with a menacing growl erupting from my chest. Andrew was right next to me. He was as annoyed as I was.

“You need to shower first.” the nurse said as she lowered her gaze. “We can’t risk an infection.”

“Shower?” Andrew asked.

“Yes.” she nodded. “The doctor didn’t tell you?”

Andrew and I shook our heads.

“I am sorry, I didn’t know.” she said. “You will need to shower, and I will give you

scrubs to change into. If Emma catches an infection, it could kill her.”

I flinched at her words and glanced toward Emma’s door. My hotheaded behavior almost killed her. Fuck.

“No, Rose, I am sorry.” I said and looked back at her. “I shouldn’t have growled at you. I am just on edge.”

“Can you please lead us to the

bathroom?” Andrew asked as calmly as he could.

“It is okay Alpha, I understand.” she said with a small smile and turned around. “Follow me.”

We started walking away from Emma’s room, and my heart clenched painfully in my chest. I needed to see her. I took a deep breath and tried to calm myself. I needed to shower first. I couldn’t put her

in danger.

Rose led us to the bathroom and handed us dark blue scrubs and a pair of new sneakers to change into.

“Don’t rush.” she said. “You need to make sure you are as clean as possible. The towels are already waiting for you. I will be right outside to take you to Emma when you finish up.”

Andrew and I nodded and rushed inside.

I made sure to thoroughly clean every part of my body. My hands were shaking with the need for my mate, but I tried to ignore it. I needed to do this right. I couldn’t put her in danger. Not again.

After I finished showering, I put on the clothes Rose gave me and stepped out of the bathroom.

Rose was sitting alone. Andrew was still in the bathroom.

“Alpha.” Rose said. “Should we wait for Beta Andrew?”

I nodded and sat down beside her.

A few minutes later, Andrew stepped outside, and I stood up immediately.

Rose led us back to Emma’s room. She grabbed the doorknob, but before twisting it, she turned around to look at

“Don’t freak out when you see her.” she said softly. “She is pale and covered in scrapes and bruises. There are a lot of needles and tubes attached to her.

There is a machine to help her breathe and one to track her heart and blood pressure. Due to the blood transfusion, she will probably smell different for a

while. Her normal scent will come back soon.”

Andrew clenched his fists and nodded. I took a deep breath and exhaled slowly.


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