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True Luna novel (Emma and Logan) novel Chapter 41

Chapter 41 Relieved

Logan POV

I’d never been more relieved in my life than the moment I left the interrogation room drenched in Sienna’s blood.

Her screams were music to my ears. Her tears made me the happiest I’d ever been.

I really was a sick motherfucker.

But I would be whatever the fuck I needed to be to avenge my mate.

“You need to give her some food and water if you want to keep her alive.” Drake said as he closed the door to the


I pulled the key out of my pocket and locked the door.

“Give her something to eat and drink.” I

said, turning to the guard. “If she refuses, shove a tube down her fucking throat.”

I turned around, not waiting for the guard’s response.

“Are you going back to the hospital?” Drake asked.

“As soon as we take a shower.” Andrew answered.

My friend was a sick son of a bitch. He enjoyed torturing Sienna even more than I did. The way he carved words into her skin was brutal to watch. He was smiling the entire time. If I didn’t know him like I did, I would be terrified of him in that moment. He looked feral. There wasn’t a place on his body that wasn’t covered in blood. Her blood even got into his mouth, making it look like he bit her. It was crazy to watch. But it made

me happy because I knew that he would do absolutely anything for my mate. I knew that she would always be protected by him, and that is the most important thing.

“I need to talk to both of you before you leave.” Drake said.

“No.” Andrew growled. “I’m going back as soon as I can.”

“It’s important, Andrew.” Drake sighed. “It’s about the Rogue King.”

I clenched my fists and growled. “What about him?”

“Does he know about her?” Andrew asked frantically.

“Shower and then we will meet in Logan’s office.” Drake said, walking away from us.

“Drake!” Andrew yelled after him.

Drake ignored him and continued walking.

“Fuck!” Andrew screamed and ran his hand through his hair.

“Andrew, is okay.” I said, trying to sound calm. “Go take a shower and meet me in my office.”

“Okay?!” he screamed. “It’s not fucking okay, Logan! She is in danger! Somebody is trying to take her away from me again!”

I grabbed his shoulders and looked him in the eyes. He was freaking out.

“Nobody is taking her away, Andrew.” I said.

His eyes darkened. Asher came to the

surface and growled.

“Nobody is taking your pup away, Asher.” I told him. “She is safe. We won’t let anyone hurt her ever again.”

His eyes flickered back to blue. I let go of his shoulders and Andrew sighed.

“How the hell did this happen?” he mumbled. “Just a few days ago, she was okay. She was a young she-wolf with not a worry in the world. Now she has been kidnapped and she has a psychotic fucker after her.”

“She did have a worry.” I sighed. “Sienna has been torturing her for Goddess knows how long.”

Andrew growled and looked back

toward the cellar doors.

“We’ve done enough damage for today,

Andrew.” I said, placing my hand on his shoulder and guiding him away. “If we continue, she could die, and we can’t have her die just yet.”

“I know.” Andrew sighed.

“Go take a shower and meet me in my office.” I said.

Andrew nodded and walked toward one of the guest rooms.

Wren? I mind-linked the doctor as I was walking toward my room.

Yes, Alpha? He responded immediately.

Is Emma okay? I asked.

She is still sleeping, Alpha. He said. Everything is okay.

Thank you. I linked him back. Andrew

and I will be there soon.


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