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True Luna novel (Emma and Logan) novel Chapter 44

Chapter 44 Injuries

Emma POV

For the next 45 minutes, Andrew and I talked and laughed.

The pain in my body lessened after doctor Wren gave me something for it, but it still hurt. What I really needed was my mate. But I couldn’t ask for him.

The door to my room burst open, and Logan ran inside. My skin tingled at the sight of him. He was wearing black sweatpants and a tight black t-shirt that looked a size too small thanks to all of his muscles. His hair was messy, and his beard only made him look hotter. Normally, he would shave. I wondered why he let his beard grow.

My lower belly tingled, and if I could feel Eliza, I knew that she would be drooling.

“Hey, baby, I’m so sorry I’m late.” Logan

said as he hurried toward me. “My mom wanted to talk to me about the pack.”

Logan grabbed my hand in his and sat down on the chair next to my bed. The pain in my body almost disappeared with his touch.

I furrowed my eyebrows. “What about the pack?”

“She’s been in charge for the last few days, so she wanted to get me up to speed with everything that’s been happening.” Logan explained.

In charge? Why was she in charge? Where was Logan?

Andrew saw my confused face and gave me a small smile.

“Logan was here with you the whole time.” Andrew said. “Aunt Gloria took

care of the pack.”

My eyes widened as I looked at Logan. “You were here?”

“Of course, baby.” Logan said, placing a kiss on the back of my hand. “You are mine. I’ll always be right next to you.”

His words made my body react in a really interesting way. My heart swelled with happiness, but my belly twisted with anxiety. Did he really want me? Why? What changed? Could I trust him? I really wanted to trust him. But I was afraid. What if I got hurt again? He was probably only doing this out of fear. When I would get out of this hospital, he was going to realize that I was still that small, weak she-wolf he rejected not long ago. He still wouldn’t want me to be his mate and Luna. He was still going to replace me.

I looked down at my lap, trying so hard not to lose control of my breathing. I felt panic gripping at my chest, and I didn’t want them to see me like that.

“Okay.” Andrew mumbled after I stayed silent. “I mind-linked Wren. He wants to

talk to us about her condition. He will be

here in a minute.”

I fidgeted with the blanket. Logan rubbed small circles on the back of my hand, sending tingles and shivers down my body. Andrew twirled the strand of my hair around his fingers.

The silence in the room was maddening.

Thankfully, a few minutes later doctor Wren came inside the room.

“How is the pain, Emma?” he asked me as he closed the door.

“Pain?” Logan growled, his eyes darting between doctor Wren and me.

“She was in pain when she woke up, so I gave her something for it.” the doctor explained.

“Why didn’t you tell me?” Logan frowned and stood up.

I furrowed my eyebrows at him. What was he doing?

He motioned for Andrew to move from my bed. Andrew stood up with a sigh and sat down on the chair. Logan squeezed himself on the bed, wrapping me into his arms. The pain was gone completely.

My body relaxed and I could focus on something else rather than pain. Logan’s scent calmed me down, and I was ready to go back to sleep.

Logan nuzzled his nose into my neck, placing a small kiss behind my ear. Sparks erupted all over my body and I heard Logan sigh contently.

“Your scent is coming back.” he said. “I missed it so much.”

I furrowed my eyebrows. What was he talking about?

“Yes, wolfsbane is finally flushing out of her system.” the doctor smiled.


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