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True Luna novel (Emma and Logan) novel Chapter 57

Chapter 57 Remove The Mark?

Logan POV

I gripped Emma’s waist tighter.

I was sitting on the couch, watching TV when Andrew mind-linked me for the first time.

I got so freaked out that I went up to Emma’s room and pulled her out of there. I made her sit on the couch with me and watch TV. She complained the entire time because I interrupted her reading. I ignored her completely. Andrew said to keep an eye on her, and I would do just that. I missed her anyway, and I wanted her close to me.

Now that Andrew had told me he had new information, I was even more freaked out. Andrew sounded afraid and


“Is everything okay?” Emma asked me

as she tried to move away from me.

I grabbed her tighter, pulling her closer.

“You are hurting me, Logan.” she said quietly.

I let her go immediately. My eart broke in my chest. I hurt her.

“Goddess, baby, I am so sorry.” I whined, wrapping an arm around her waist gently this time. “I didn’t mean to hurt you.”

“It’s okay.” she said. “What’s wrong?”

“Andrew mind-linked me.” I sighed, leaning in and running my nose across her jaw. “He has new information about the Rogue King.”

Emma stiffened. “What information?”

“He didn’t say.” I mumbled, placing a kiss on her cheek. “But don’t worry, baby. He won’t touch you.”

Emma was silent. She bit her lower lip, and I could tell that she was nervous.

Watching her bite her low ip like that made me want to do it myself. I imagined sucking and biting on her lower lip while she moaned.


Not now, Logan.

I took a deep breath, trying to calm myself.

“You don’t know that, Logan.” Emma’s quiet voice snapped me out of my thoughts. “He could take me away.”

The fear exploded inside of me. I

immediately wrapped my arms around her, pulling her against my chest.

“No.” I growled. “He will not take you away from me. No one will take you away from me. You are mine.”

The word kept repeating itself in my mind.



She was fucking MINE.

Every piece of her body and soul was mine. Nobody would touch her. Nobody would have her.


My heart was hammering in my chest, and the only thing stopping me from

shifting was Emma’s scent around me. I felt her breath on my neck and focused on that.

“What if he hurts Andrew?” Emma whispered. “Or you?”

“He won’t, baby.” I mumbled, boying my nose into her hair. “He will not hurt us. He will not take you away. I won’t let him.”

Emma relaxed in my arms, and the happiness I felt was immeasurable. My baby trusted me. She felt safe with me. She was relaxed next to me. It was a huge step forward, and it made me want to jump up and scream with happiness.

A knock on the door interrupted us.

I let Emma go, and she wanted to stand up. I stopped her immediately. I knew it

was Drake, and I didn’t want him near her. He wanted her, and she was mine.

I stood up, walked to the front door, and opened it. Drake was standing there with a smile on his face.

“Hi, Logan.” he greeted me.

“Drake.” I nodded, stepping aside so he could come inside.

He walked inside the house and looked at Emma immediately. She was standing in the living room with a small smile on her beautiful face.

“Hello, Emma.” he said, a huge smile spreading across his face. “It is so good to see you again. How are you?”

I growled, rushing back to her. I placed an arm around her waist and glared at Drake.

Mine. Fucking mine.

He ignored me completely, his eyes never leaving her.

“I’m fine, Alpha Drake.” she said politely. “Please, sit down. Can I get you anything to drink?”

“It’s Drake, Emma.” he said, sitting down on the couch. “And I would like a beer if you have one, please.”

Emma nodded, looking up at me. “Would you like something as well?”


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