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True Luna novel (Emma and Logan) novel Chapter 70

Chapter 70 The Roque King

Andrew POV

I ran out of the packhouse, looking around frantically.

“Get to the safe room!” I yelled at women and children.

I saw aunt Gloria picking up a pup who was crying loudly. She tried to soothe him while she looked around.

Our eyes met, and she ran toward me.

“Where is Logan?” she asked, and I could hear the fear in her voice.

“With Emma.” I responded. “He will be here soon.”

“Okay.” she nodded, taking my hand in hers and squeezing it tightly. “Be careful, okay?”

“I will, aunt Gloria.” I said, looking around and trying to find Drake. “Go to the safe room, please.”

She nodded and turned around, running inside the pack house.

“Andrew!” I heard Drake calling my


I turned around and saw him running toward me.

“Where is Emma?” he asked worriedly.

“Logan is hiding her.” I said, trying to keep calm.

Beta, we won’t be able to keep them out for long! One of the warriors from the border mind-linked me. There is a witch here, Beta, and she is doing someth…

Our mind link cut off.

Peter?! I yelled back at him, but there was no response.


Jacob?! I tried mind-linking him.

Yes, Beta? He answered and I sighed in relief.

What the fuck is going on there? I asked, running after Drake and toward the border.

He brought a witch. He responded, and I could hear him panting hard. She is using her magic to restrain us.

“Fuck!” I yelled, running faster.

“What happened?” Drake asked me.

“A witch is with him.” I growled. “She is using magic to restrain our warriors.”


I heard footsteps behind us. I turned around and saw a very pissed-off Logan running toward us.

“Where is Emma?” I asked as soon as he got close enough.

“Hidden well.” he growled. “Where is the fucker?”

“At the border.” I answered as we continued to run. “He brought a witch with him.”

Logan growled and started running faster. He looked like a beast at this moment. His muscles were tense, and his nostrils were flared. He was clenching his fists tightly.

A few moments later, we arrived at the border. It was fucking chaos. Our wolves were fighting hard, but there

were too many rogues. I saw a cloaked

figure standing close to the border with her hands high up in the air. Vines started spurting out of the ground, tangling up around our wolves’ paws, making it impossible for them to move.

Some of our warriors were wounded badly, but none of them were dead.

Thank you, Goddess.

Logan growled loudly, and suddenly the rogues stopped fighting.

What the fuck?!

They started backing away, snarling at our warriors. The vines loosened and disappeared like they never existed.

“Alpha Logan.” I heard a deep voice coming from the forest. “I’ve been expecting you.”

Logan growled again, stepping closer to the border.

“What the fuck do you want?” Logan growled.

The man stepped closer to us and smiled. He was maybe a year or two older than Logan and me. He was big and muscular, but Logan and I were bigger.

“I am here for my mate.” he said calmly. “You can hand her over to me and I will leave your pack peacefully. There is no need for a bloodbath.”

Logan and I growled loudly, making the fucker chuckle.


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