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True Luna novel (Emma and Logan) novel Chapter 86

Chapter 86 Protect

Andrew POV

When Logan mind-linked me and told me that Emma was awake, I thought that my heart would explode from happiness.

She was awake!

My little girl was finally awake.

“What hurts, love?” I asked her as I placed another kiss on the top of her head.

She let me go and looked up at me.

“Am I dreaming again?” she asked quietly, her voice laced with fear. “Am I dead?”

I furrowed my eyebrows and glanced at Logan. He clenched his fists and

tightened his jaw.

“You are not dead, love.” I said, looking

back at her. “You are not dreaming. This is real. You are home.”

She took a deep breath and looked at Logan.

“You are home, baby.” he said, leaning in and placing a kiss on her lips. “You are home.”

She breathed out in relief and gave us a small smile.

“I’m sorry.” she mumbled. “I wasn’t sure anymore. I wasn’t…”

“You don’t have to apologize, love.” I said as I caressed her cheek. “It’s okay to be confused. You’ve been asleep for a while.”

“How long?” she asked quietly.

“Five days, baby.” Logan answered.

She took a deep breath and shook her head.

“And how long had I been with him?” she asked quietly.

“Four days.” Logan answered, his voice cold.

Emma closed her eyes, and I pulled her back to my chest. I kissed the top of her head, breathing in her scent.

“Can you tell me what hurts, love?” I asked her again.

“Well, my whole body.” she mumbled. “But my chest hurts the most.”

I froze. Logan growled.

Emma lifted her head and looked at

both of us.

“What’s wrong?” she asked, furrowing

her eyebrows.

“Your heart wasn’t okay when we brought you back, love.” I said softly. “They had to use the defibrillator to stabilize it.”

Her eyes widened. “I went into V-Fib?”

“Yes.” Logan said as he pulled her to him. “It was the scariest moment of my life.”

He kissed her temple and buried his nose in her hair, taking a deep breath.

“Is my heart okay now?” Emma asked, looking at me.

“It is, love.” I said, giving her a small smile. “Your chest hurts because of the

defibrillator. Wren said that it’s normal.”

Emma nodded, turning her head toward Logan and placing a kiss on his chest.

“What did he do to you, baby?” Logan asked her, his voice raspy and quiet.

Emma visibly tensed up. Logan let her go and looked at her worriedly.

“If you don’t want to talk about it, you don’t have to, love.” I said immediately as I took her hand in mine.

She looked at me and gulped.

“Did you feel it?” Emma asked quietly as she looked from me to Logan.

“I did, baby.” Logan nodded. “I didn’t feel everything, but I did feel some of it. I don’t know how that’s possible, though.”


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