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True Luna novel (Emma and Logan) novel Chapter 91

Chapter 91 Marked

Emma POV

I couldn’t decide if the feeling of Logan pushing inside of me was amazing or weird.

It was probably both.

I had to remind myself to keep breathing. I had to remind myself to remain calm.

I kept my eyes on Logan’s the entire time. I couldn’t look away. I didn’t want to look away. The desire in his eyes was so reassuring.

I was so scared that I would do something wrong. I was so scared that Logan wouldn’t be satisfied. I was so scared that she wouldn’t enjoy this.

I was so glad that I was wrong. The only thing I saw in his eyes was love.

Logan stopped pushing and kissed my lips softly.

“Take a deep breath, baby.” he said as he reached between us and started rubbing my clit. “This will hurt a little.”

I nodded and took a deep breath.

Logan started pushing in again, and I felt something tear inside of me. Pain spread through my body, and I grabbed Logan’s arms tightly.

“There we go, baby.” Logan said softly. “It should stop hurting in a minute.”

I took another deep breath and gave him a small smile. The pain was bearable. It wasn’t bad.

Logan leaned in and kissed me softly. I moaned, and he moved a little.

“Can I start moving?” he asked as he placed a kiss on my neck.

He never stopped rubbing my clit. It helped a lot. The pleasure was starting to push the pain away.

“Yes.” I said quietly.

Logan kissed me and started moving in and out of me.

The feeling was weird but good. I liked it. I just had to get used to it.

Logan grunted and started sucking on my nipple. I moaned and arched my back.

“Fuck, Emma, don’t move.” Logan growled. “I’m going to cum.”

He pushed me back down on the bed and kissed me.

He pulled out of me, making me whine. and frown at him.

“You will get it back, baby.” Logan chuckled as he opened the nightstand. “I just need to put a condom on. I want us to cum together.”

He smiled and winked at me. Heat rushed to my cheeks, and I was sure that I was as red as a tomato.

Logan opened the condom and started putting it on. I saw a little bit of my blood on him.

Logan looked up at me and laid back on top of me. He lined himself up with my entrance and pushed in slowly.

The feeling was still weird, but much more enjoyable than before.

I moaned and kissed him hard.

“Fuck, baby.” Logan mumbled as he started pushing in and out of me even faster than before.

I wrapped my legs around his waist, and he growled.

“Shit, Emma, stay like that.” he said as he lifted himself a little and started pushing in and out of me again.

I gasped and threw my head back. He was amazing. This was amazing. I never wanted him to stop.

I felt his lips on my neck, and a shiver went up and down my body.

“I need to mark you, Emma.” Logan growled.

I looked at him and saw that his canines were already out. He was looking at my marking spot and breathing heavily.

“Mark me.” I said softly as I felt my own canines slip out. “I am yours.”

Logan growled, placed his lips on my neck, and sucked on my marking spot gently. I almost came.

I moaned, doing the same for him.

“Fuck.” Logan growled as he reached between us and started rubbing my clit.

I was going to cum.


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