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Unexpected Fiancée novel Chapter 198

Chapter 198: Growing More Puzzling

"BPL?" Patrick's handsome face turned cold, and his fingertips tapped the table rhythmically. His clear voice cut through the room as he asked, "Do we have information on this company?"

Feeling the pressure from the CEO, Morton flipped through the documents in his hand and reported to Patrick, "According to the information I found online, BPL was established in recent years, with a wide range of business operations, including real estate, jewelry, cosmetics, clothing, and more. Since its establishment, the company has grown rapidly, making significant progress in just a few years. Their strength is not to be underestimated."

Pausing for a moment, Morton continued, "There are rumors circulating that BPL made its fortune through shady dealings."

"Is that so?" Patrick raised the corner of his lips.

Made its fortune through shady dealings?

No wonder he had never heard of this company before.

Patrick inquired further, "Who founded this company? What background do they have?"

Morton respectfully replied, "About the president of BPL, he keeps a low profile and is quite mysterious. All we know is that he is a Chinese-Australian, and there is no other information about him."


Low profile and mysterious?

Made a fortune through shady dealings?

Jane searched through her mind, but no one seemed to fit the description of the president of BPL.

Making a fortune through shady dealings and maintaining a low profile was normal.

But this BPL president acquiring "Love Jewelry," rapidly releasing imitations of "Ice and Fire," and targeting Pansy Group-was all of this just a coincidence or a deliberate move?

The situation was becoming increasingly unclear.

"You keep investigating," Patrick glanced at Morton with a faint look, sensing that this matter was not simple.

"Yes, CEO," Morton answered respectfully and left the room.

Jane followed suit.

Just as she took a step, a low and deep voice from Patrick reached her ears, "Jane, wait."

Jane paused, turning around. "Patrick, is there something else?"

Patrick took a step towards Jane with his long legs, his gaze shifting to Jane's face.

Was this woman in such a hurry to leave?

Did she really not want him?

Thinking about the scene where Patrick pressed her onto the sofa just now, Jane's expression turned colder. She spoke, "It's working hours now; I only discuss business matters."

Business matters?

Seeing the woman in front of him looking wary and indifferent, Patrick's expression darkened. "What I want to talk to you about is business."

"The issues with the 'Ice and Fire' project were already discussed just now," Jane took a step back, keeping a distant demeanor.

"It's another project," Patrick spoke in a deep voice.

"Another project?" Jane raised an eyebrow.

"Yes." Patrick's elusive gaze swept over Jane's cheek. He took out a set of documents from the drawer. "This is the North Bay project; take a look."

Jane lowered her gaze to the thick stack of documents on the table.

The North Bay project? What was it?

Was Patrick assigning her a new project again?

"In a few days, the government will publicly open bids for the land near North Bay," Patrick explained as Jane looked puzzled. He raised an eyebrow and continued, "I plan to develop a large amusement park there."

An amusement park...

In Jane's mind, memories suddenly flashed of that time in France when Patrick kissed her on the Ferris wheel.

He said to her, "The top of the Ferris wheel is the closest to happiness. If lovers kiss at the top, they will never be separated for generations. Just like us now."

Never be separated for generations, huh.

Chapter 198: Growing More Puzzling 1

Chapter 198: Growing More Puzzling 2

Chapter 198: Growing More Puzzling 3


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