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Unexpected Fiancée novel Chapter 196

Chapter 196: "Love Jewelry" Resurgence

"Jane? Didn't you resign?" Candice heard the voice, looked up, and saw Jane standing in front of her. She deliberately widened her eyes, wearing a surprised expression.

"I did resign, but Patrick didn't approve it," Jane said coldly, giving Patrick a glance with a sarcastic curve on her lips. "So, I have no choice."

"Paddy, is that true?" Candice's pitiful eyes fell on Patrick.

Patrick nodded faintly, "Candy, this seat belongs to Jane. I'll arrange a new one for you."

Hearing this, Candice stood up, speaking in a considerate tone, "Paddy, I thought Jane had resigned, so I sat in her seat."

Pausing for a moment, she bit her lip and lowered her gaze, "Paddy, don't worry; I won't make things difficult for you. I'll move right away."

Candice packed her things, settling into an empty seat nearby. "Paddy, can I sit here?"

"Sure." Patrick uttered a monosyllabic response. Someone helped tidy up Candice's new seat, and then he returned to the CEO's office.

Jane went back to her seat directly.

Turning on her computer, she began to focus on her work.

Due to the delay caused by her trip to Changbai Mountain to find Dr. Newton, being trapped in a cave by heavy snow, and several days of turmoil, she had accumulated a lot of work that needed to be addressed promptly.

After quickly reviewing some recent sales data for "Ice and Fire," Jane's gaze gradually became colder.

Because she quickly realized that something was wrong.

Given the extensive publicity and the reversal in the "Love Jewelry" plagiarism incident, which had significantly advertised Pansy Group, the sales of "Ice and Fire" should have been soaring.

However, recent sales not only failed to rise but dropped by twenty percent.

How could this be?

Under normal circumstances, this shouldn't happen at all.

Jane quickly skimmed through the available information, immediately calling for a meeting with relevant personnel to inquire about the situation.

In the meeting room, Jane opened the documents, projected them onto the big screen, and then asked the sales department manager, Scott, "Manager Scott, what's your view on the recent sales of 'Ice and Fire'?"

Jane's sharp gaze made Manager Scott tremble, hesitating for a moment before saying, "Miss Jane, the sales of 'Ice and Fire' have dropped compared to the previous month."

"And the reason?" Jane asked coldly. "This month's sales have dropped by twenty percent compared to the previous month. Why?"

"Well, recently, there have been many low-end products imitating 'Ice and Fire' on the market, which are popular among ordinary people. However, 'Ice and Fire' targets the high-end consumer group, and you know their standards are high. Now, with so many imitations, it's effectively lowering the status of our product," Manager Scott explained, wiping the cold sweat from his forehead.

Jane questioned, "Which company launched these imitations?"

Manager Scott truthfully answered, "According to our investigation, the company behind these imitations is 'Love Jewelry' Jewelry Group."

"Love Jewelry?" Jane was slightly surprised at the revelation.

Chapter 196: "Love Jewelry" Resurgence 1

Chapter 196: "Love Jewelry" Resurgence 2


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