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Unexpected Fiancée novel Chapter 197

Chapter 197: Await with Anticipation

Jane paid no further attention to Candice, walking steadily towards the CEO's office. Yet, her heart was slightly tinged with pain.

Why did Candice repeatedly provoke her? What exactly did she want?

Hadn't Candice already gotten together with Patrick? Why then this fear of losing him? Fear of him being snatched away?

If Candice was truly Candy, she should be confident in holding onto Patrick's heart firmly. Not acting this way.

What was Candice afraid of, exactly?

Jane pondered, sending a message to Anthony: **[Anthony, help me check on someone.]**

Anthony quickly replied: **[Who? Please don't tell me it's that Candy from many years ago.]**

*Candy...* Jane self-mockingly curled her lips. Yes, it was indeed about checking on Candy. Now, the focus was on Candice.

Whether Candice was Candy or not... she would have to wait and see.

Jane smirked and sent another message to Anthony: **[Look into Candice, stage name Angela, formerly the resident singer at Allure Bar. I want all her information.]**

After sending the message, Jane added: **[Especially anything specific about Candice around the 18th of last month.]**

The 18th of last month was the day of Jane and Patrick's engagement ceremony. Candice appeared on that day, disrupting their engagement ceremony, just as Nana had pointed out – too coincidental.

Behind such coincidences, there often lay deliberate actions unknown to others. Jane's intuition told her that Candice's appearance was orchestrated by someone.

**[Ada, I'll check for you as soon as possible.]** Anthony quickly replied.

**[Good, I'll be waiting for your good news.]** Jane responded.

Putting away her phone, she arrived at the CEO's office door.

Just the thought of meeting Patrick caused a subtle hitch in Jane's breath. She took a few deep breaths, composed herself, then knocked on the door.

"Come in," came Patrick's clear voice.

Jane entered.

"Jane?" Patrick looked up, and upon seeing the graceful figure in his line of sight, the previously chilly gaze softened imperceptibly.

He stood up, and as his deep gaze fell on Jane's face, his thin lips lifted slightly. "Jane, are you looking for me?"

"Yes." Jane nodded lightly, walked to Patrick's desk, and handed him the documents. "I need to report something about the 'Ice and Fire' project."

Patrick's gaze fell on the documents in Jane's hands.

Jane continued, "According to what I just found out, 'Love Jewelry' has recently launched many imitations, causing a significant impact on the sales of 'Ice and Fire.' Our sales have dropped by twenty percent this month."

"I know about this; I've already asked Morton to investigate." Patrick narrowed his long and narrow eyes slightly.

Jane nodded. "Alright, then I'll go back to work."

Seeing the woman in front of him looking indifferent, Patrick's expression darkened. He reached out, encircling Jane's waist.

Jane was about to turn and leave when suddenly a powerful force around her waist made her lose her balance. She toppled into Patrick's arms.

Patrick took advantage of the situation, leading her to the nearby sofa.

He pressed her down, hands on either side of Jane's body, his tall figure firmly pinning her down.

"Are you looking for me just for business?" Patrick's gaze, cold and deep, stared at the woman beneath him as he spoke with a chilling tone.

Jane struggled a bit but to no avail, raising her lips in response. "And if I am?"

Just for business...


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