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Unwanted Mate Of The Lycan Kings (by jessica hall) novel Chapter 10

“Once the winner is announced, you three will enter the maze. The first to hunt their bride wins the throne.” My father states, and my brothers, and me included, jump to our feet in outrage.

“Bride!’ I roar furiously. Has he lost his damn marbles? Does he seriously expect us to go along with his shenanigans?

“This is your grand plan, father. We marry a fucking human to save our so-called humanity!” Lyon yells, finally coming to his fucking senses and understanding the gravity of this situation.

“I'm not fucking marrying anyone. You've lost your damn marbles, old man.” Zeke snaps. My father, unperturbed by our anger, listens to us rant and rave at him about the ridiculousness. He almost seems tired, though how I hadn’t noticed before is beyond me. Looking at my father now, he doesn’t seem so full of life.

Granted, it has been months since I saw him last. I usually run my Kingdom and his remotely, thanks to the advancement of technology, probably the only good thing about humans is they're always looking for advancement. Their curiosity not only gets them killed, but they are determined to figure out the world. Goddess only knows why because they're all doomed anyway in today's world.

Although I would not advise them otherwise or break the little bubble of their gullibility of thinking they will ever retain anything again in today’s world. Besides, it saves me from having to be in two places at once. They are mere worker bees, living to serve, hoping for recognition and social status.

“You tamper with the games; you are disqualified.” My father states. This explains why only women were competing this year. I curse, shaking my head.

“And if no one survives?” I ask.

“Then we start again until one does, and I can hand the throne down.”

“So what, it's a foot race?” Lyon asks, showing a little more interest than usual in Kingdom politics. He has never shown an interest in the throne before.

“Yes, but there are conditions. I know you boys will do anything to get out of marrying. So I have placed rules. One is that you can not kill the bride the day after the wedding. Two, the woman who wins; will survive and rule aside you. Three, any harm comes to your future bride, where she meets an untimely demise. You will relinquish your Kingdom and step down from the main Kingdom's throne and your own!” I scoff. I can't believe this shit.

“So you are forcing not only us to compete but to marry and stay fucking married! And to a human!” Zeke says, disgusted.

“Yes, the human part is a slight fault that can be changed, you may not be able to change her, but your blood will make her immortal like your wolves. The winner of the maze will be rewarded by being made Queen, ensuring her future within the Kingdom.”

“Exactly what is the point of marrying when no woman can carry pure Lycan children? She’ll only be able to produce a werewolf, father!" I demand, and he shrugs.

“For a King to rule, he needs a Queen. You three failed to take mates, so I am forcing your hand. Now I am done with this conversation and growing tired. I will watch the games from my quarters. In the morning, you all enter the maze.” my father says, rising from his chair and dismissing us.

“If you want us to compete, I have a request.” I call after him, and my father stops.

“No, you will participate. You have no choice!” he snarls angrily, clearly over this discussion.

“And if all three of us refuse, who will choose then, father?”


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