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Unwanted Mate Of The Lycan Kings (by jessica hall) novel Chapter 9

Regan POV

As I approach the balcony on the top level that overlooks the maze, I can hear Zeke arguing with our father. Stepping out onto it, it becomes abundantly clear something has ticked Zeke off because he’s furiously glaring at our father. Lyon stands leaning against the wall near the bird feeders, watching with a look of disinterest. Such a Lyon thing to do. I swear, he cares little for anything but getting his cock sucked or tormenting our brother. He knows better, for the most part, not to push my buttons; it will only end in him being pummeled from an inch of his damn life, Zeke however he likes to tempt death with occasionally.

It takes a lot to rile Lyon up, yet Zeke always finds a way to get under his skin and Zeke seems to think doing such a thing is a game, which is why those two have such an on-and-off relationship. One minute they get on fine. Next, they are plotting against each other. Either way, both of them are snakes.

“What's this about, father? Malachi said you changed the Maze Games this year,” I ask, falling heavily into the chair surrounding the metal fire pit. A server brings me a whiskey, and I take it while watching as my father shakes his head at a raging Zeke and waving him off. My brother's temper has always had a short fuse, but never towards our father, so something has irked him to no end.

“This is some fucking bullshit,” Zeke growls as my father takes his seat across from me.

“Shelley, dear, can you get me a glass of water?” my father asks the server girl that I see now Lyon is eyeing off. I raise an eyebrow at him when his gaze meets mine. He smirks, knowing he is caught checking out his latest victim. The human girl scampers off to do my father's bidding, and my father leans back in his chair.

“Zeke, sit down and stop getting your panties in a wad, boy.” my father commands. Zeke mutters something which makes my father scowl but is out of earshot for me to hear.

“You’re changing the maze games this year. We noticed there are no male contestants, and I want to know why.” I state, sipping my drink. Zeke scoffs and shakes his head before snatching his drink from his frightened server who jumps her hands trembling as she holds the tray.

“Yes, I have made some changes. You boys will compete in the games this year.” I nearly drop my glass at his words and choke on the mouthful I just took.

“Excuse me?”

“Now you know why I am pissed off, yet the old fool wouldn't tell me why until you arrived,” Zeke says dismissively.

“Are you looking to hire us within the castle, father?” I laugh. This is ridiculous. The maze is held each year. People could compete, or as a punishment for hiding out, they were chucked into the labyrinth. Those that survived were given jobs within the Kingdom. Those that died are not worthy. Though no one has survived the maze in over thirty years, so this year will be no different.

“No, Regan. You will not be competing for a place inside the Kingdom. You three will be competing for my throne.” he states just as Shelley returns. She hands my father his drink, while Lyon pushes off the wall to join us, clearly shocked by this information.

“Your throne?” Lyon asks, confused. Neither of my brothers are worthy of the position. They can barely run their own Kingdoms. My father holds power over ours, but I am the fucking oldest, so this information has me seething, and why the sudden rush?


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