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Unwanted Mate Of The Lycan Kings (by jessica hall) novel Chapter 36

Last night was freezing, I couldn’t get the fire going, and the only warmth offered was by Shadow lying on my feet. It was so cold that my bones ached, and I could not seem to get warm. I woke up multiple times, my heart slamming in my chest and my throat tight at the memory of my nightmares. I was plagued with nightmares of the night my grandmother died, only now I have three new people to star in it, making it so much worse.

The sound of my doorhandle rattling makes my consciousness slowly return; I blink, my eyes blurry from sleep, but I can tell it is still early; everything is cast in that moment before the sun comes up. A sleepy shadow that I wish I could let pull me back into sleep, only this time, I didn’t want those dreams to be full of nightmares.

Rubbing my eyes, I sit up, looking around the room. The sun isn’t burning my retinas from my eyes yet, so I know I don’t need to be up. So why am I awake?

When I hear no other noise, I snuggle under the heavy, warm blankets, convinced I imagined the noise. I stretch out my legs, feeling for Shadow, who is asleep at my feet. Instead, I find the end of the bed cold when I hear a clicking noise and paws on the floor.

“Come here, Shadow, and warm my feet,” I mumble, still half asleep. The next second, the mattress is upturned. A shriek leaves my lips, and I am dumped on the floor with a hard thud that leaves me rattled.

“Morning!” Chirps Zeke as I groan, getting to my hands and knees to see the key Shelley placed under the mattress is now on the floor. My eyes linger on the bronze key for a second and then dart to Zeke, who is wearing his signature smirk. I quickly get to my feet, and the first thing I notice is that the door is shut.

My eyes instantly look for Shadow, but he is nowhere to be seen, making me even more vulnerable to this prick.

“Miss me?” Zeke laughs, and my eyes move to him on the other side of the bed. Zeke’s eyes flash black, and he smiles sadistically, his eyes roaming over me with a hunger that I don’t like. A shiver travels up my spine, and I smooth my hands over the front of my shirt. Almost as if that action will hide me away from him. Zeke noticing my discomfort, chuckles.

“Do you always look this tempting when you first wake up?” he purrs, and I watch him warily, taking him in. His chest is bare, hair dishelleved like he himself only just awoke to, bronze skin ripples as he moves, and if he wasn’t such a prick he would be nice to look at with dark thick hair, long lashes framing equally dark eyes. They flicker to their normal color and his full lips tug in the corners.

“What do you want, Zeke?” I snap at him, it’s much too early for this, and I wasn’t rested enough to deal with him. I don’t think anyone is ever rested enough to deal with him, this man has the ability to suck the damn energy and will live out of anybody he crosses.

“I want many things, human. One of them you’re going to give me now!” he says, moving to the end of the bed. I take a step back, my hip bumping into the bedside drawer hard enough that I know it will leave a bruise.

“Get out! I’m supposed to spend today with Regan, not with you! You have no reason to be in here!” I tell him.

“We have plenty of time; he can have you once I’m done with you,” Zeke mocks, and his canines slip out past his teeth, he then stalks around the bed. My eyes widen, and I find myself backed into a corner.

My heart skips a beat, and he growls, reaching for me, but I jump onto the bed, rushing to the other side. It is far too early for his petty games. He chuckles, moving to the other side, and I stop in the middle of the bed, snatching up the first thing my hands land on, which has to be the most useless weapon in the world; a damn pillow.


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