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Unwanted Mate Of The Lycan Kings (by jessica hall) novel Chapter 37

As I run for the door, my feet slap the hard, cold floors, and I nearly slip on the huge oval rug that takes up most of the room. My shoulder hits the door, and it bursts open. I’m thrown forward, and my hand grabs the doorframe, stopping me from going sprawling on the hard floor as I twist to head for the doors when at the last second, I remember I have to be in Regan’s room for breakfast so I turn in the opposite direction.

The motion throwing me off has me clutching the doorframe, as I swing out the door, nearly slipping over from the split second decision to change direction, when I hear Zeke snarl behind me.

The hairs on the back of my neck stand up, but I don’t risk glancing over my shoulder. I can’t take the risk of it slowing me down. Every second wasted makes it easier for him to catch me. Instead, I run for Regan’s bedroom door while praying he leaves his door unlocked. The harsh slaps of my feet against the floor and my heart slamming in my chest are loud in the empty hallway. I can hear that Zeke is not far behind me and with his Lycan abilities it will take him no time to catch me.

However, halfway to his door, I hear a loud bang that makes me shriek. Shooting a quick glance over my shoulder, I see Zeke burst out of my room and slide across the floors and into the wall. He growls furiously, gets to his feet, and chases after me.

My breath lodges in my throat at the vicious look on his face, and my heart feels like it is about to leap out of my chest as it flutters faster. My hand reaches for the door handle, so close, yet so far away. I run harder, determined to run through it if needed, which is precisely what happens when my hand doesn’t grip the door handle like intended because it is ripped open just before my fingertips reach out to touch it.

A gasp escapes me when I see Regan rip the door open, his eyes blazing as he looks at me and then at Zeke chasing me. He growls, and that anger grows sharper on his features. Is that anger from being woken up or from my arriving early? To be fair, I had no intention of being here before I had to be!

However, I am not given a chance to stop and ponder or even slow down and figure it out because I plow right into him, tossing him backward. The air leaves my lungs in a harsh huff as I collide with his brick wall of a body. King Regan is thrown back, and I clench my eyes shut, waiting for the inevitable pain.

Fate doesn’t like to disappoint because I not only ran into a brick wall but then landed on top of it. King Regan gasps, his hands grabbing my waist as his head bounces off the floor, and he grunts as I knock the air out of him, too.

Zirah 1! King Regan 0!

A second later, I hear Zeke’s feet chasing after me as he closes the distance down the hallway. I push up off Regan’s chest, and he turns his head, looking out the door. He clenches his teeth, and I move to crawl off him, but his hands remain firm, and he pulls me back to him with a low growl.

“No,please,” I gasp, my eyes going wide when he stops me from escaping, and I realize he is going to hand me over to his brother. Zeke snarls, stopping just in the doorway and I freeze in place at the sound of his voice.


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