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Unwanted Mate Of The Lycan Kings (by jessica hall) novel Chapter 43

He takes his seat behind the huge wooden desk and opens up another device. Turning back to the room, I find Zeke and Lyon both watching me.

“Don’t be scared, Human. I can be nice! It’s a struggle, but for my dear brother, I can endure your presence without killing you,” Zeke taunts, yet his words set me more on edge. I move to the stool near the bookshelves in the far corner of the room and away from them.

I have just sat down when I hear the door push open to the balcony and Shadow rushes inside; he sniffs the air, head turning in each direction when he spots me sitting on the stool with Gnash at my feet. His tail wags excitedly and he bounds into the room. A smile splits onto my face, seeing his excitement, and I pat my leg for him to come to me.

“Shadow, here now.” Lyon snaps at his wolf and Shadow pauses mid-step. The wolf whines, glancing between me and his master before his shoulders drop.

“Well, what did you expect out of escaping and hiding from him in her room, Shadow?” Zeke scolds Lyon’s wolf. My brows furrow and my eyes go to Lyon to see if he would tell him he let me have Shadow for the night, but he says nothing, only growls when Shadow doesn’t immediately go to him.

“It’s okay, Shadow, go to Lyon,” I tell him, not wanting him to get in trouble for coming to me and ignoring his master, which I could tell he was about to do.

“Really Lyon, you need to learn to control him better.”

“What should I control him the same as you by putting a spiked choker on him?” Lyon snaps and my eyes go to Hunter. I swallow, only now noticing the spikes inside the collar. Now it is loose since the leash is slack.

“Well, you don’t see Hunter playing up now, do you?” Zeke retorts and Lyon shakes his head.

For the entire movie, Regan ignores me and doesn't come out of his office. Instead, he leaves me to be watched by his brothers. Until he receives a call that has even his brothers casting glances at his office from his yelling. Noticing us looking in, he slams the door shut.

My ass hurts from sitting on the stool. I am bored out of my mind when the door opens and the maid from earlier rushes in with a trolley with trays of food. She busily sets one on the table for Zeke and takes the other off when she notices me. She looks between Lyon and me when Zeke speaks.

“She can only eat whatever Regan orders for her, it’s Lyon’s.” She chews her lip, pausing before she speaks.

“But my King, Regan, rarely eats lunch. I only brought up a wolfsbane shake. He didn’t order anything?”

“Well, then I guess you better get another wolfsbane shake for her then,” he tells her. Isn’t wolfsbane poisonous to Lycans? It seems like an odd thing to drink; to order a poison for lunch?

“But my King, she needs to eat?”

“That is not up to me. Maybe ask Regan what he wants to feed her?” Zeke says, turning his attention back to the TV. She gives the tray to Lyon and moves back to the tray yet her aura told me she wasn’t looking forward to going into Regan’s office, it changes and flickers around her, and fear flickers through it, anxiety making her steps falter, watching her she hesitates in the doorway, and I would too, he’s done nothing but yell at people on the phone the entire time she has been in the room. I watch her shoulders drop as she hesitantly knocks. The sound is barely audible from where I sit. She is greeted with a growl and the door is ripped open.

“What?” He yells at the girl, who jumps, her hands shaking as she offers the shake to him. He snatches it and before she even has a chance to speak, he slams the door in her face. Zeke laughs and returns to his lunch while Lyon hasn’t even touched his food; he just stares off at the TV, his hand patting Shadow.

The girl then turns, her blue eyes moving to me. Her lips part and she looks at Lyon, but he isn’t looking at her before her eyes move to Zeke. “Maybe I can–” I hold up a hand to grab her attention and shake my head.

“It’s fine… I’m not hungry.” I lie and she glances nervously at the two Kings.


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