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Unwanted Mate Of The Lycan Kings (by jessica hall) novel Chapter 44

His eyes are pitch black and his canines are extended. His grip tightens and I choke, my legs kicking at him when he growls louder. The next second, Gnash bites him. Regan roars, the sound setting my blood to ice as his aura smashes me and his grip tightens, making me thrash as he crushes my throat. He glances down at his wolf while I grasp at his hand, needing him to let go so I can breathe.

“Gnash?” Regan blinks at him and the crazed look on his face disappears and his facial features soften. Gnash growls, snapping his jaws at his owner and I dig my nails into his hand which draws his attention back to me. He looks at me and blinks, almost like he’s not sure if he’s seeing correctly or if I’m merely a figment of his imagination. My lips part suffocating on his tight grip, and my head feels on the verge of exploding.

“Human?” He murmurs and his brows furrow. His eyes go to my fingernails digging into his hand and he gasps, eyes widening, he lets go.

I land on my knees at his feet and clutch my throat. Sucking in huge lungfuls of air, trying to catch my breath, yet I can still feel his lingering grip, like his fingers are etched into my flesh. Seconds felt like hours while trapped in his grip. Regan moves, “Zirah you can’t–” he moves to grab me, but I slap his hands.

“Don’t touch me!” I rasp out while Gnash whimpers, nudging me with his nose while my heart pounds erratically.

“Let’s go,” Regan says, ripping open the door and walking out. I stare after him, wondering what came over him when Gnash whimpers, nudging me once again. I pat his head, my fingers trembling when I clutch his fur, pulling myself to my feet.

Regan doesn’t wait for me. Instead, I lose him and have to rely on Gnash to show me the way. Gnash leads me to the dining hall where I hear arguing, Regan screaming at his brothers when I hear glass shatter and a loud bang. Upon entering, I find Regan has Zeke against the wall by his throat, and Lyon is trying to get between them.

“Regan, calm down,” Lyon speaks softly while grasping Regan’s shoulder.

“I could have fucking killed her!” Regan screams back at Lyon.

“You said to watch her. You never said how long for!” Zeke retorts.

“You knew I was drinking wolfsbane! You were hoping I fucking killed her!” Regan snarls, slamming Zeke into the wall again before he grunts, staggering back and clutching his side.

Zeke shoves past him. “Well, it appears I now have to do the dirty work for us. You’ve never been a team player, Regan. Instead, once again, I will have to be the fucking bad guy!” Zeke snaps when his eyes fall on me. Regan snarls, looking down at his side, and my eyes go to the blade stabbed into him. His shirt turns a deep shade of red.

Regan pulls the long blade out and grits his teeth while Lyon moves to lift his shirt only to earn a growl. He backs away with his hands in the air and I watch, wondering what happened in the few minutes it took me to get here. It is clear whatever it is; it is to do with me, and what happened when I came up behind Regan in the bedroom.

Regan goes to argue back when Zeke smiles. “She looks perfectly fine to me!” Zeke says, and Lyon and Regan’s attention is drawn to me. Regan mutters something but takes his seat, Lyon throws a nervous glance at him but also takes his.

Moving into the room, I drop into the closest chair, and Gnash sits at my feet. The table is set with every food you could think of and I wait, glancing at the stupid board that is now attached to the wall with all the rules that Zeke is intent on following when it regards me. Yet is willing to break their own.

Regan drops the blade on the table and reaches for a cloth napkin. He curses, lifting his shirt a little and pressing it against the wound that is spilling blood down his abs and side, and soaking the waistband of his pants. Shaking his head, he growls, snatching up another knife, but he quickly tosses it aside.

“Fucking dick, you know I can’t heal properly right now.” Zeke waves him off and passes him a clean butter knife. Regan snatches it, holding the tip of the blade over one of the candles. Bile rises in my throat, knowing exactly how much burns hurt. He waits for the tip to glow red when he presses it against the wound.

He grits his teeth, glaring at Zeke, who only serves to mock him more by smiling at him. When he’s done, he drops his shirt and sets the knife on the table. He grabs his food from the platters, loading his plate. After a few minutes, a servant brings out a bottle of whiskey.

Regan snatches the bottle, not bothering with a glass, and drinks out of it while Zeke raises an eyebrow at him and asks for wine. The servant moves toward Lyon but he holds up his glass to say and sips his water. My eyes go back to the board when Regan speaks.

“Gnash come!” He calls his wolf who gets up, Gnash huffs and wanders over to him and I see Regan grab a steak off one of the platters that sit in the center of the table, he gives it to Gnash and pats his head only for Gnash to come to me.


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