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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 448

Chapter 448 She Should Call Him Dad

"Oh? How did you get in touch?"

Elijah immediately gave Ben an appropriate curious response, making him willing to continue talking to reveal Imogen's whereabouts.

"She is still abroad, and she just changed her number. But I found out it." Ben made no secret of the pride on his face, which was in stark contrast to his usual cold face.

"It seems that your intelligence network has been upgraded again?" Elijah asked tentatively.

"Do you think I am him? That guy who can only lose his temper and be arrogant and rude." Ben mentioned "him" with disdain.

Elijah narrowed his eyes. "So, you're not him? Who are you? What's your name?"

Cordelia once said that, generally, people who have independent personalities will give themselves another name.

"Eric." Ben put down his wine glass and looked at Elijah seriously. "I know you have already felt my presence, but you can't do anything about me because, strictly speaking, I am also him, just another one of his personalities."

Elijah said calmly, "To me, you are indeed just one person. You are all my friends."

"You are very wise." Eric curled his lips and said confidently, "If that idiot could be as wise as you, he wouldn't be where he is today."

Elijah just looked at him with deep eyes and said nothing.

Although Eric was arrogant and arrogant, it was obvious that he was a sensible person and had all the qualities that Ben lacked in his character.

His two personalities were like one growing in the sunshine and the other crawling in the darkness.

The next morning, Ben knocked on Elijah's door early in the morning.

"What's wrong?" Elijah opened the bedroom door sleepily and yawned.

"Lend me your clothes. I don't want to wear those ragged clothes," Ben said with a gloomy face.

Elijah raised his eyebrows. "Have you lost your memory for another day?"


Chapter 448 1


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