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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 450

Chapter 450 It Is Not the Time

She didn't know what expression Elijah had when he heard this little voice.

All in all, it would be exciting.

So, out of caring for his emotions, Cordelia took the initiative to call Elijah.

As a result, as soon as Elijah picked up the phone, he asked, "Have you finished chatting with the handsome guy?"

Cordelia laughed out loud, "It's Imogen. I'm chatting with her."

Elijah also laughed and said, "I guessed it, but Amy seems a little dissatisfied with me!"

"No, she just likes to make pranks." Amy learned this from Kenny.

These two little guys were very precocious, and each of them was as big as a brat.

Elijah naturally wouldn't argue with children. Later, the two chatted for a while about Ben's condition.

Elijah said in a weird tone, "Ben agreed to inform Imogen about his illness, but he said that he would never admit it."

Cordelia held his head and said, "OK, then I'll tell Imogen and let her pretend she doesn't know."

After finishing speaking, the two laughed at the same time.

What was all this about?

Early the next morning, Cordelia sent Amy to Milo's residence and then went straight to the hospital where Imogen's mother was.

After visiting Imogen's mother, Cordelia's expression was a little solemn.

Although it is just a chronic disease that can be treated slowly, Imogen's mother was really sick. At this time, Imogen should really come back to take care of her mother.

But thinking about Ben's situation, Cordelia was really worried.

So, she came to the coffee shop by the side of the road and called Imogen to ask.

Imogen said decisively, "I want to go back, Cordelia. I have to go back."

Cordelia nodded clearly and then said, "OK, then, Imogen, I think it is necessary to tell you seriously about Ben's condition."

Chapter 450 1

Chapter 450 2


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