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Worthless to Priceless The Alpha’s Rejected Mate novel Chapter 38


Everyone was staring at me and desperately waiting for me to give a reason as to why I stood up so urgently. I could feel Gregory staring at me with barely controlled interest as if he could somehow get the answers out of my face while Caleb was looking at me in concern. He hadn’t gotten the mind link like I had so he was completely in the dark and I knew he hated that.

After a few seconds, I cleared my throat and straightened the collar of my shirt then brushed off invisible lint off my clothes to appear uninterested.

“I am afraid I have some important work to attend to,” I said and with one leveled look at Caleb, he rushed to his feet as well.

I walked past Gregory without offering any explanation but before I could reach the door, I heard him clear his throat. He was as annoying as a fly on the wall and I wanted nothing more than the sick satisfaction that would come with squashing him like a bug but I knew that it was a shameful act to attack someone when they were unarmed on your territory so I turned to him.

“Can I help you, Gregory?” I asked and he nodded.

“What will I do in the meantime?” he asked. “Am I to be left alone?”

“You will be taken care of in due time,” I knew it was a major disrespect but I couldn’t bring myself to care. Excitement was bottled inside me and threatened to explode and I knew that if I didn’t find my way to Amelia soon, I was going to go berserk on someone.

Before Gregory could say another word, I walked out of the cottage. I could practically feel the anger and frustration rolling off him in waves but I knew that Caleb would handle it. That was one of the things I liked most about him. He was always there to clean up my messes that I made in haste.

“What is happening?” Caleb said as soon as we were out of earshot. “What was so important that you had to leave so urgently? Is everything alright with Amelia?”

“She is shifting,” I said and his eyes widened in shock and excitement. “Make sure that Gregory goes home. I do not want him snooping around the pack or finding out things that he shouldn’t. Is that clear?”


Before any other word could leave his mouth, I ran into the woods so I could strip off my clothes. Once I was done, I shifted and ran as fast as I could towards Caleb’s house. My wolf was practically preening and cheering in excitement at the prospect of meeting his mate. I was excited as well to see Amelia’s wolf form and I really hoped that she would recognize me as her mate.

I ran without a thought in my head except for Amelia and I barely felt the pouring rain as it beat down on me. My fur was plastered to me when I got to the house and I didn’t even bother shaking it off before I shifted.

My clothes that I carried in my muzzle were also soaking wet but I didn’t care as I pulled it on. I could barely control my excitement. I hid behind a tree to get dressed because the last thing I wanted Amelia to see was me naked and get scared or terrified.

Clara was at the door when I arrived and I didn’t even acknowledge her as I made my way into the house. There was excitement and anticipation etched in her features when she opened the door for me.

“Where is she?” I asked when I noticed that Pamela and Devin were seated at the dining table. “Did you leave her alone?”

“We thought it was best that you were the one to see her,” they explained and I didn’t wait to hear anything else before I rushed down the hall to her room.

I was furious that they left her alone in pain but I also understood why they did so. I pushed the door open and my eyes could not believe what they saw. Amelia was lying on the bed with her hair plastered to her forehead in sweat. She looked incredibly beautiful lying there like an angel but that wasn’t what caught my attention. It was the boy that was standing next to her.

He was leaned over her as if he was kissing her. I couldn’t tell whether their lips had met from my vantage point but she was lying there and not doing anything to stop him. Rage bubbled up in me like an inferno and even if I could try to calm it down, I would not have done anything to stop it.


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