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Worthless to Priceless The Alpha’s Rejected Mate novel Chapter 39


When Blake leaned down to kiss me, my first thought was to turn my head to the side and avoid his kiss. I was angry with him for leaving me. I was angry with him for keeping me in the dark about everything. I wanted to know how long he had been aware of the plans my father and Brittany had against me. I wanted to know why he felt so comfortable with leaving me. I was furious but I couldn’t bring myself to pull away from him.

There was something comforting and familiar about his touch. There was something warming about his hold and I couldn’t help but just lie there and allow him press his lips to mine. Even if I wanted to, I was too weak to push him away and so I did nothing.

I barely had time to process his lips on mine when the door flew open and Kaden appeared. He was drenched by the rain and his clothes were wrinkled as if he had put them on in a hurry. His body was dripping wet and his hair was plastered to his forehead. At first there was shock on his face but it was quickly replaced by anger and something else- something dark that was akin to murder.

I was worried because of the way he was staring at Blake. There was a deadly and raging inferno in his eyes and I knew it was not going to end well but I couldn’t find it in myself to say anything to warn Blake because my eyes were completely transfixed on Kaden. Although he was furious and I knew I should be scared, I couldn’t look away.

Blake attacked him and I knew that a large fight was about to break out. I couldn’t bring myself to separate them so I screamed as loud as I could. My voice was hoarse and I knew I wasn’t loud but it was enough to summon Clara and her family. They watched the scene with wide eyes but no one made a move to stop them.

I watched the entire fight in shock and I couldn’t help but admire the way Kaden moved. He made fighting look enticing and like a skill. It was like watching a professional dance; he moved so fluidly and with such grace that I couldn’t look away.

My heart was pounding furiously and I knew it was not out of fear. A wave of heat hit me square in my chest and it felt like I was shifting all over again except this time, I knew I wasn’t shifting. I could not explain the emotions that were warring inside of me and the effects my body was having to his presence.

Suddenly, I felt my wolf stir from within me. It was as if she had been summoned simply by his presence alone. I wanted to ask her why I felt that way but I couldn’t form any words or coherent sentences.

As if she heard my silent question, she spoke. “Mate,”

At first I thought I had heard her wrongly but she repeated the word and then she said it again. She repeated it more times as if she was trying to cement it in her mind and mine that Kaden was our mate. I couldn’t believe it, I didn’t want to believe it. All my life, I thought I was never going to have a wolf or a mate and now I found out that my mate was Kaden.

“Are you sure?” I asked my wolf and she hummed in barely contained glee.

“Our mate is finally here,” she said in excitement.

Blake was thrown out of the window which snapped me out of my daze and a gasp left me. Kaden’s eyes snapped to mine and I took in the entire room in shock. It looked like a tornado had made its way around the room and I couldn’t believe that one person was responsible for that much damage. Most of all, I couldn’t believe that person was my mate.

Of all the wolves in the world, I never would have expected to be mated to the most feared Alpha. Mates were supposed to be equals in every way but I was no equal to Kaden. I was a late bloomer and I wasn’t even as strong or as swift as he was. I was terrified but most of all, I felt inadequate like the moon goddess had made a mistake in pairing us together.

Kaden’s eyes watched me like a hawk and I couldn’t help but feel self conscious. I pulled myself to the edge of the bed and pulled my knees up to my chest. A part of me wanted to run as fast as I could away from his territory because from the way Kaden stared at me, I felt like prey. I felt like a lamb walking around in a lion’s den and it terrified me.


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