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Worthless to Priceless The Alpha’s Rejected Mate novel Chapter 40


I fell through the window with a large crash. My entire body ached and it felt like I had been run over by a freight train. My eyes were half closed and swollen because of the hits and there was dried and crusted blood on my nose and lower lip.

I expected the man to follow after me through the window but when he didn’t immediately, I rushed to my feet and into the woods. I hid behind a tree and watched what was happening. I saw him glance out the window as if he was debating following after me but he decided against it and walked back into the room.

Judging by the aura emanating from him and the unnatural strength that he had, I knew he was the Alpha but I couldn’t imagine what the Alpha was going in Amelia’s room. There was no reason why he should be bothered with a lower pack member like Amelia unless there was something he wanted from her.

I tried to peek into the house from my position but I couldn’t see anything and I muttered a small curse. I took a small minute to try and regain a little of my strength. I had to lean against a tree trunk because I was very weak. I don’t know what I was thinking by attacking the Alpha of the pack. I had just felt a huge wave of possessiveness and I wanted to mark my territory by protecting Amelia from him.

I couldn’t believe that she was my mate. As if summoned by the word mate, my wolf stirred within me. He was excited and he was practically giddy. If he wasn’t as weak as he was, then he probably would have been dancing around in my head.

“Did you feel the mate bond?” I asked him and he hummed within me. “I thought I was imagining it. I can’t believe that she is actually our mate.”

“It’s there but it is weak,” he told me. “It wasn’t completely broken when you rejected her because her wolf was not awake then so she could not accept the rejection.”

I was excited to know that Amelia was my mate and I still had a chance with her. It felt like I had won the lottery and I felt energized all of a sudden. I couldn’t believe the good news. It was like the moon goddess had dropped a blank cheque in my lap. I muttered a small thanks to her unable to form any other words.

I forced myself to my feet suddenly excited to go and tell her the good news but my wolf stopped me before I could go further. I was annoyed that he had bothered me but I decided to stop and listen to him.

“She isn’t just going to accept you,” he reminded me. “Don’t you remember that you rejected her for her sister?”

I felt shame hit me like a ton of bricks and I was flooded with images of Amelia’s heartbroken face. I broke her heart for not having a wolf and I was willing to mate with Brittany just to have the Alpha position. I felt like a fool for hurting her that way and I knew that it was going to take a lot for her to forgive me because she felt very betrayed by me.

I ran my hands through my hair in frustration as I realized the hiccup in my plans. I knew she wouldn’t accept me easily but I was determined to get one last glance at her before I left. I owed it to myself and my wolf to see her and make sure that she was okay and the Alpha had not hurt her.

I dragged myself into a standing position and I slowly made my way back to the house. I knew the window I had been thrown from was not a good spot because it was probably being watched so I decided to turn around the house and find another entrance.

I was quietly walking around the house when I caught sight of a pair of feet in front of me. I looked up and they belonged to the older woman in the house. I assumed she was the grandmother due to the graying hair on her head and the fact that she was too old to be the mother of the other young girl I saw.

She crossed her arms over her chest and stared down at me like I was a fly. I was not going to let her intimidate me so I stood to my full height and squared my chest. Before I could say anything, I heard another set of footsteps and the older man walked towards us. He placed his hand softly on the woman’s back and I instantly knew he was her mate.

“You need to leave,” the man said without hesitation. “You are not wanted or welcome in our house.”

“I need to see Amelia and make sure that she is safe. I have no problems with you and I just want to make sure that she is fine.”

“Amelia does not want to see you,” the woman cut in and I narrowed my eyes at her. “If she wants to see you then she will request for you. We do not welcome strangers or people who sneak into our house like thieves. Leave now before we call the Alpha and make this a bigger deal than it already is.”

“I’m not scared of your Alpha,” I said trying to keep a false sense of bravado.

The older woman took a step towards me and her eyes turned bright red. I stumbled back because I had never seen anything like it before. I had known wolves to have black eyes but I had never seen anything of that color. The color was a cross between a raging inferno and freshly spilled blood.


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