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You Kissed My Soul novel Chapter 12

“What did you just say?” I asked narrowing my eyes.

“What did I say?” Dylan replied quietly eating his Chicken pasta acting innocent.

I was sure that I heard him speak “She is a Virgin, I can smell it” to Blake.

“You see I’m not deaf here, do you understand,” I said through gritted teeth.

I was shocked on the matter that how did he know me being a Virgin? and what in the world does he mean by the statement “I can smell it”?

I will surely go insane if I stay here any longer. Just three weeks more and then I will be out of here. I will be living my life as I was living earlier, travelling, having fun. Sure, I will miss Bell, Blake and Cole and I have decided to stay in contact with them.

They have become very close to me in this short period of time so, I have decided to stay in contact with them. But not with Dylan. I will never miss him nor will I stay in contact with him.

“Just eat your thing and stop irritating me” he said irritated.

The nerve of him. He is getting me irritated here and he is saying that I am irritating him.

“I’m irritating you? You are the one who is irritating me. Can’t you just do your work ignoring me or talking about me” I said glaring at him.

“I will do whatever I want. I will talk about you if I want” he said with a smug look on his face.

“I will slap you if I hear any more word about me” I warned him and watched him as he narrowed his eyes towards me.

“Oh really?” He dared.

“Try me” I said crossing my arms around my chest giving him a innocent smile. I rubbed my palms showing him that they were itching to slap his face.

He glared at me but nevertheless chose to keep quiet. Finally I ate my breakfast in silence and got up from the chair walking out of the room with Bell following me.

“Bell I need to tell you something” I said in a monotone. I wanted to tell her that I was here only for a month.

“Yeah?” She asked but I shooked my head negatively. Maybe I will tell her later.

“Ah nothing important” I told her and she nodded.

“Why is Dylan like this?” I asked her and noticed her visibly gulping.

“Uh it’s becaus-” she was cut off by a giggling sound.

I raised my eyebrow and looked everywhere. I found a girl hiding behind a table, peeping her head out and giggling at me.

“Hello Little one” I said bending down and smiling at her.

She walked out of her hidden place and walked to me. She gestured me to bent down to her level and with furrowed eyebrows I did what she asked me to do.

As soon as I bent down she swiftly placed a kiss on my right cheek and ran away giggling.

A smile formed on my lips and I touched the place where at kissed me.

“What was that for?” I asked to myself to which Bell replied “Kids love their Luna” dreamily.

“Who?” I asked confused.

“Uh I mean Guest. Kids love their guests” she corrected herself and I nodded still not buying it.

“Wait you said Kids?” I asked to which she nodded smiling.

“Yes kids” she replied.

“There are more kids in this house?” I asked suddenly excited.

“Yes. Do you want to meet them?” She asked and I nodded “Of course”.

“Well follow me” she said and began to walk. I followed her and soon we reached a door.

“Its where the kids spend their times during the day” she said and opened the door going in. I followed her and immediately laughing, giggling and shouting sounds of children filled my ears.

“Luna” They all shouted in chorus and ran to me.

“Luna?” I asked confused and looked at Bell for help. She bit down on her lips and shrugged her shoulders.

“Hellow Kids” I said excited.

“Hello Luna” They all shouted in chorus while some ran to me and hugged my legs.

I chuckled and found the same girl who kissed me back there in the hall. She was hugging my leg and giggling. I smiled down at her and picked her up hugging her.

“What’s your name?” I asked and placed a kiss on her hand.


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