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You Kissed My Soul novel Chapter 13

Aderyn Pov

As I was standing near the window, the cool breeze hitting my face made me feel better. The sweats that were forming on my forehead made me feel cold. I was panting continuously due to the heavy practice I just did.

I looked back and eyed the piece scattered in the floor. Sand everywhere. The thing which was previously called a Sandbag was scattered into pieces by none other but me. It wasn’t new to me. That was the reason why I brought more than one sandbags. I looked down at my gloves and got rid of it.

I cannot practice in my room. I need a big place. Somewhere bigger and open space. I have to clean all this mess now.

It took me some minutes and finally I was done cleaning the room. Folding the already of no use sandbag, I kept it into a bag that I had. I will dispose it later.

I had been practicing since last two hours. Now I am hungry and sweaty.

I took a long shower and wrapped up my hair with a towel. I wore a black bathrobe and went out of my bathroom to my room.

I was just about to walk into my walk in closet when my eyes felt on the open drawer. I remember closing it before going for a bath. With furrowed eyebrows, I went there and checked the medicines, stuffs messily scattered. It wasn’t how I kept things. I believed upon disciplinary and hence my things were always clean and neat, kept in right place.

“Bell” I spoke feeling a presence behind me.

“Ahhhh” she screamed and with an amused smile I turned around to find her holding an ointment and her another hand clutching her chest, her eyes widened.

“Ho- How did you know?” She stuttered asking me her question.

I shrugged my shoulders and with a serious look told her pointing towards the draw “clean it”.

She gave me a sheepish grin but nodded and walked to the drawer arranging the things back in its place.

I glanced her way and turned around walking inside the walk in closet. I chose to wear a slacks today with long sleeves and baggy Brown shirt. My hair was damp so I left it open to let it dry on its own.

“Alpha wants to see you” she spoke out of nowhere.

“What for?” I snapped. I hated hearing anything about him.

“I don’t know”she shrugged her shoulders.

“No wait! Tell me how did you know that he wants to see me when you didn’t even use a phone?” I asked her suspiciously and she stared at me for some minutes probably thinking of an appropriate answer

“He told me when I was coming here. I remembered it now. It just slip out of my mind” she told me and sat on the bed, flipping channels in Tv.

“When does he wants to” I said air quoting the words “see me?” I asked to which she gave me an amused look.

“After an hour” she spoke and I nodded flopping on to the bed next to her.

When I found my hair completely dry, I braided it sideways. I wore my canvas and we both went out of the room after locking the door, we went to “see” the Alpha Idiot.

Upon reaching his room, I noticed some guys. They were talking to Dylan and as usual Dylan was throwing orders on them. We waited for their conversation to get over.

After five minutes of waiting, finally the body builder dudes went away but not before throwing a glance our way.

“Alpha” Bell spoke and he signaled us to come in.

We went in and waited for him to speak.

“Sit” he told us and we quietly sat on the chair while he sat on his behind his wooden desk.

“Why do you wanted to” I asked air quoting the words “see me” sweetly making Bell choking a laugh.

“Miss Brooke-” he began but I cut him off “Call me Aderyn”. How many days was he planning on to maintain the formalities?

He gave me a look and spoke “Miss Brookes” making me roll my eyes.


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