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You Kissed My Soul novel Chapter 15

Dylan Pov

I can swear to God that was all my wolf doing. I was so tired working day and night, that I finally chose to take some rest. My sleep was disturbed by someone knocking on my door.

Groaning, I got up from my bed not caring what I was wearing and opened the door to find Cole’s sister standing at my doorstep with a small smile on her face. Then she began to stutter and my mind couldn’t register whatever she was talking to me because of the sleep.

A sexy voice made me abruptly come back to my senses. I looked toward the right to find Aderyn standing near the corner wearing short jeans and black tops. She looked hot and so sexy.


“Why couldn’t I smell her presence earlier?” I thought to myself and frowned at myself. Wasn’t mates suppose to feel and smell each other presence very easily?

The question stayed at the back of my mind and I concentrated on what she was speaking. I found that both of them were going out for shopping. As much as I hate to admit, I dislike her going to shopping alone.

Sure Bell was with her and I knew that Bell like Cole was a brave and strong Warrior but still I couldn’t take the risk with her. So I mind linked my two guards asking them to follow them but be in a safe distance away from them.

Like it or not, Aderyn was my responsibility and I will be damned if anything happened to her. So, I agreed and for the first time in my life, I did such a thing which was even shocking for me.

I don’t know what got into me but I asked Aderyn to wait and went back into my room and fishing out my Credit Card from my pant pocket I handed it to her. It was just a kind gesture from my side but she took it in a wrong way telling more like screaming at me that at had money and she doesn’t need mine but eventually she agreed and took the card.

When it was the time for them to leave, I began to close the door but again for the second time of the day I don’t know what got into me but I couldn’t stop myself.

I spanked her butt. Her sexy butt was spanked by me and I can’t even express how I felt.

First of all, I was glad that I did that then when my brain registered what I did I couldn’t believe it.

“You perverted wolf. What the fuck did you do that for?” I snapped at my wolf after closing the door on Aderyn face who was banging at it like a caveman.

“She is my mate. I have every right on her. You weren’t advancing so I did it. You have a problem with her but not me” he snapped back.

“Now How the hell am I going to make you understand this” I cursed and took a sigh of relief when the banging stopped.

I knew it wasn’t the end. She will surely hunt me down in my dreams. If anything I knew about Aderyn from these days was that she was really stubborn and Hot headed.

“She is my mate” my wolf screamed at me in my head.

“Go back to your cave you mutt” I snapped back.

“How dare you? I am no mutt. I am the King” he told me howling in my mind proudly to prove his point.

“So am I” I told him and blocked him out.

I kept on getting updated about them from my guards. I was confused when I knew Aderyn went into a store alone but didn’t buy anything much. I wondered what made her go there alone. She could’ve taken Bell with her but then it isn’t my business what she did and what she did not. Her safety was the only thing which I kept as my priority.

I never expected her to give my Card back to me so easily. I thought she would be glad that I let her my card but as always she was different. She returned back my card on the same day telling me that she didn’t use it.

I couldn’t help myself but to think how my life would’ve been if I wasn’t so broken. Maybe I would’ve accepted her as my mate from the beginning and would’ve cherished her with love and care.

Though not love, I still care for her. I know it will surely pain me when I will be finally rejecting her.

I am just waiting for the day when the Almighty, the Seniors, The Aged Wolves will be finally giving us the visit.

They are the Sacred Wolves known as the Aged Wolves. They are like power by themselves.They are no ordinary werewolves. They provide us power and they can even take back our powers. They are not alive. They are somewhat like sacred souls. They are second after Moon Goddess.They can never die. They are the immortals. It is told that they have been in this earth since the time of mythological Lycans. They will show up before you when according to them it is the right time. They were the one who throne me as the King and they will be the one who will also Throne Aderyn as the Queen.

But I am really surprised that though I’ve found my mate, they still haven’t given us a visit. I wonder what is making them wait.

I have decided that I will reject Aderyn as my mate the day the Aged Wolves showed up for the Queen announcement, I will just reject her and give them a good reason for doing so.

I just hope they will understand.

I was sitting in my office, my mind continuously drifting back to Aderyn. I just couldn’t stop thinking about her.


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