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You Kissed My Soul novel Chapter 16

Lying down on my bed I shivered feeling cold. I got up from my bed and switched off the A.C. I went back to the bed and jumped on it. The bed making a squeaking sound due to my weight.

I flipped on my belly and closed my eyes. I don’t know for how many minutes I closed my eyes, but soon I found myself in deep sleep.

Suddenly I found myself somewhere.


What am I doing here?

I looked around to my surrounding and found many trees, shrubs, grasses. Furrowing my eyebrows I thought to walk into the woods. So, I walked into the woods. Everything seemed so blurry. I looked back and saw the place where I walked few minutes ago beginning to turn into water.

“What the?” I muttered not believing my eyes.

I turned around and started to run. I began to run, run and run. My legs began to hurt from running, still I didn’t stop. I ran with all my force.

I could hear water in form of waves coming after me. So unreal.

Not paying attention to it, I kept on running wanting to get away. I began to slow down at some extent when I heard a voice. I was panting badly. Sweats were forming on my forehead and I heaved a sigh.

Taking a deep breathe, I looked back and found that there was no longer water or waves but only woods. I exhaled a breathe keeping a hand on my chest to calm my heart.

“Adieee” I heard a familiar voice calling me. Very familiar. My heart beat rose and my eyes widened hearing the voice.

“N-Nancy?” I spoke slowly not able to believe it.

I looked around. My eyes searching for the source of the voice. I looked everywhere and began to run everywhere in the woods.

“Adie” she called again and this time giggling.

“Nancy?” I called tears flowing down my cheeks.

“Nancy is that you? Where are you?” I shouted hoping for her to reply.

When nobody replied I began to run here and there searching everywhere.

“Adie” a voice called from behind me.

I stopped in my tracks and slowly turned around. My eyes widened seeing her. She wore her pink frock and Ballerinas. Her favorite bow band in her hair. She stood few steps away from me smiling at me.

“Adie” she beamed running towards me.

I smiled as the tears continuously fell down my cheeks and I ran to her and cradled her into my arms hugging her with all my love.

“Nancy” I whispered near her ear.

“Adie where were you? I missed you” she told me with her cute childlike voice.

“I miss you too love. I miss you too” I cried hugging her more tight.

She let me go and I loosened my hold on her for a little bit to see her face.

“You look different” she murmured.

I chuckled a little and kissed her palms.

“That’s because I’m 22 now. I am no longer 18” I told her and noticed as her face turned into a sad one.

“But I am still five” she murmured and began to walk back.

“Nancy where are you going? Wait!” I tried to touch her but my eyes widened when my fingers couldn’t touch her.

“I am still five” she whispered as she backed away.

“Nancy please” I called her crying a little.

“I am still five Adie” she whispered with sad eyes and turned on her back and began to run.

“Nancy” I cried calling her and ran after her.

She ran deep into the woods and didn’t even look back. I ran after her but it was being impossible for me to follow her. The scenery before me began to fade as I began to feel suffocated. I lost her from sight and I began to cry calling her name.

“What is going on?” I cried racking a hand into my hair.

Suddenly I heard another voice and my eyes widened hearing those voices.

“Aderyn” they called.

“Princess?” they called again when I didn’t turn around. My heart beat rose again hearing their voice after along time.

I slowly turned around and gasped seeing them after a long time.

“Aderyn sweetheart” my mom called me smiling at me.

“My princess” Dad smiled keeping his hand around my mom’s waist.

I couldn’t believe my own eyes. They were looking so happy. They were smiling at me. My mom was wearing her Floral Sundress and a white shrug above it. My Dad was wearing his black Jeans with his Brown Shirt.

“Princess you are looking so beautiful” my Dad spoke his eyes getting watery.

“D-Dad? M-Mo- Mom?” I couldn’t believe my eyes. Tears began to blind me and wiped them away with the back of hand quickly.

“Honey she is so grown up now. She looks like you” my mom spoke as tears fell down her cheeks as well.

“Yes. She is my princess” My Dad spoke placing a kiss on her head.

“I miss you princess” my Dad spoke smiling at me.

“We miss you darling” my mom spoke and I heard a giggle.


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