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You Kissed My Soul novel Chapter 18

“Let me go” I cried thrashing around.

“What will we eat if we let you go hu?” Dylan said smiling evilly.

“We are really hungry Adieee” Bell chirped showing me a fork.

“Bell I thought we were friends” I cried trying to set myself free.

“Humans can never be our friends. We can’t do friendship with our food. What will we eat to survive then?” Bell began to sharpen the knife she was holding.

“Let me go” I tried to crawl away from the top of the table where I was tied.

“No can do Adie” Blake laughed coming near me.

“It will just take a minute Adie” Cole smirked evilly.

Dylan, Bell, Come and Blake began to surround me and they began to taunt me showing me the knives in their hand. They were going to eat me.

I shouted and screamed until my throat was itching, “No don’t eat me no don’t eat me. I don’t have any meat” I screamed thrashing around.

I found myself shaking and when I came back to my senses I looked around frantically to find myself in my room, sitting on my bed, holding a pillow tightly while Dylan was standing beside the bed, Cole and Blake near the window and Bell was sitting before me.

All their eyes were on me looking at me as if I have two heads attached to my body. I eyed them cautiously and took a deep breath calming myself down. I was just daydreaming.

“Idiot!” my inner self mocked me.

Bell cleared her throat and I watched as her expression changed to a worried one. She reached her hands and touched my arms reassuring me that everything was alright.

“Are you okay?” She whispered with worried eyes.

“Yeah! Yeah I am okay” I found myself replying nodding my head like a robot.

She gave me a small smile and touched my cheek patting it lightly.

“Don’t worry. Calm down a bit” she told me to which I only nodded.

“It wasn’t how I expected you to find out” I heard Dylan muttering and he rubbed his face with his palms cleanly frustrated.

“Aderyn” Bell began and I gave her my full attention.

“You need to something about us” she spoke and my inner voice stated irritated “No sh*t Sherlock”.

I kept my mouth shut though I wanted to say those sarcastic words.

“I know you already have find it out by yourself but whatever you saw there is the half truth. You need to know the full one. I know you must freaking out inside which you are clearly not showing but Adie “she reached for my hand “we will never harm you”.

I didn’t Knew what to say so I just kept my mouth shut and nodded my head like Noddy.

She sighed and turned to look at Dylan. Dylan shoved his hands into his pant pocket and pursing his lips he nodded towards Bell.

I looked towards Cole and Blake to find them already staring at me. They gave me a small smile to which I returned assuring them that I was alright.

Bell turned towards me and taking a deep breath she spoke in one breath “We are Werewolves”.

“I am elephant” I couldn’t stop my mouth saying those sarcastic sentence.

She gave me a look and I heard Dylan scoffing at me while Blake and Cole burst out laughing.

“Aderyn can never change” Blake spoke and Cole nodded coughing a little.

“Aderyn this is serious” Bell turned my head towards her using her finger.

“Okay Fine” I held the pillow to my chest and gestured for her to continue.

“Aderyn we are shape shifters, supernatural beings which is we are Werewolves” she told me and I quietly listened to her.

“We have been on earth from thousands of years, before human and we have been living as a mythological creatures away from mankind”.

“We keep ourselves hidden from you humans but trust we are no harm to you. We respect your kind and that is why we are staying away from you human living peacefully. Trust me Aderyn we are no harm to you” she told me truthfully and I nodded agreeing with her.

Sure they were no harm to us. Otherwise we would’ve been in deep Shit.

“So why am I here? I mean why was I kidnapped and brought here? Did I do something to violate your community?” I asked confused trying to remember if I did anything unintentionally.

“No Aderyn you did not do anything. We brought you here because we need you” she spoke.

“Ne-Need me?” I questioned to which my inner self replied “for your meat”.

I shut her up and payed attention to Bell.

“Adie for that you need to know everything about us first okay?” She asked and I nodded positively.

“See we have our God, who created us as you human has your God and lords that you pray we have our creator and she is The Moon Goddess”.

My mouth formed into a O shape as I found myself interested to learn more about them.

“The Moon Goddess created us. She is our Creator”.

“After her is The Aged Wolves. They are the Seniors of our kind. They have been living in this ground for millions of years. They are wolves, powerful than us. They give us powers and they have the capability to take our powers back too. They can never die. They are immortals, they are like souls wandering everywhere”.

“After them is the King. The most powerful among the werewolves. The Alpha of every Alphas. His word is our command. He rules the werewolf kind. He saves us from threats and our enemies”.

“Then comes the Queen. She is the mate of the King. She takes care of the kingdom. She is as powerful as the King. She is like a mother to every werewolf. She is the Luna of Lunas”.

She told me and the word “Luna” disturbed me but I chose to keep my mouth shut. I will ask her about that later.


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