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You Kissed My Soul novel Chapter 19

Aderyn Pov

“You sure I should be going there?” I asked for the umpteenth time to Cole.

It’s been two days since I came to know about all these supernatural beings and werewolves. Yesterday, my whole day was spent with Bell as she feed me about all the little information about werewolves. I also came to know that Vampires and other creatures are also existing in this earth but they are living peacefully in their community.

I came to know all about mate bonding, mate, in which age they shape shifts, heat, Omegas and even about mating and marking. I felt it really odd about that marking part. It is like to show your head to crocodile taunting it “Do you want to eat my head? Eat it C’mon Eat it yo yo you hit it”.

Wow that just formed a lyric for a song.

“Seriously?” my inner self mocked me.

Currently, Cole wants me witness how werewolves train. I don’t want to be a intruder though.

“Yes I am Sure Adie. Alpha himself told me to bring you” he replied and I don’t know why but I felt myself shivering when I heard the word Alpha. It’s been a day since I saw him. As I was just with Bell taking in the information about werewolves, I skipped the walk with him intentionally.

I was just not ready for it. It’s just too much to take in that the man with whom I fought so much, got irritated was a werewolf and not only an ordinary werewolf but a King.

How am I supposed to Cope up with that?

But the thought that he wants me to witness their training brought a contagious smile onto my face. It means that I was in his mind these days. He didn’t stop thinking about me.

“Of course how can he now that you know about their little secret you dumb ass” my subconscious told me.

I scoffed at her but nevertheless followed Cole wherever he was taking me.

“I seriously don’t want to intrude” I told him and watched as he sighed shaking his head at me “You think too much Aderyn!” He replied.

I kept my mouth shut after that and found myself going into the woods. A walked through the pebble stones and large trees and finally we reached an open space. It looked like a big field.

We were not alone their. There were many men and women. Some were aged while some where young. They were warming up. I looked around and found Dylan his back facing me, talking to none other than Lily.

I sighed and marked her cheek which had a cut few days back but now it didn’t have a single line of scratch on it. Bell did told me about their healing power but I didn’t know that it would heal that faster.

As if sensing my gaze or maybe presence of foreign smell Dylan turned around. His eyes directly falling on me. He was wearing a black Vest, his muscular biceps and muscles in his hands were in display. I could see the veins which were popping out of his skin probably because of work out. He was wearing a black Trouser and shoe. His hair was messy but nevertheless he looked fresh.

His gaze was fixed upon me. I watched as Lily tried to grab his attention calling him and even shaking his hand. When he didn’t reply, she looked towards the source where he was looking and found me. Her glare and hatred didn’t go unnoticed by me. She rolled her eyes and turned on her back taking a water bottle from the table, and she walked away.

I looked back at Dylan to find him already walking towards me. I composed myself and held my expression neutral. I came to know about Dylan having extraordinary elemental powers. I also came to know that he could hear our thoughts or read our mind. He can even look into our mind going through our past, which disturbed me. If it was true then he must have found everything about me.

If he hasn’t then I have to be carefully in what I think. I don’t want him to read me every time. It’s just so unfair, it’s like intruding into someone’s privacy.

“I see you decided to show up Miss Brookes” he spoke sarcastically.

I rolled my eyes at his formalities.

“I didn’t decide anything. Cole practically dragged me here” I told him shoving my hands into my Pant pockets.

“Adie!” I heard my name being called and I looked around to see Train and Bell walking towards me.

“Train! Bell” I spoke.

“You are here for the training?” Train asked me.

“Nope just to watch” I told him and glared at Dylan who coughed, his cough was like as if he was taunting me and true to as I thought he muttered “she can only watch”.

I turned around and walked back from where I just came.

“Adie wait!” I heard Train, Bell and Cole calling me but I didn’t stop. Dylan is just too much.

“What does he thinks of himself?”

“Aderyn Stay” I heard a thunder like voice from Dylan.

I stopped in my tracks and turned around to see everyone stopped in their track watching us fearfully.


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