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You Kissed My Soul novel Chapter 27

4 years later

19 years old Aderyn

I combed my hair and made it a braid and tied my brown hair which reached my back with a band and used hair clips to set my hair. I looked at myself in the mirror. Everything has changed. I was no longer the same Aderyn. I was changed and all grown up.

I will be turning twenty next month and how badly I wished my family to be with me. But I am not alone any longer. Nancy is with me. She will turn six years old after two months. She is my only family.

I looked at myself in the mirror. I as dressed in a black tank top and above of it a black jacket with Black jeans. I just loved black. I walked out of my room and checked the time to see it’s already noon.

Nancy is in hostel. I had no other choice but to keep her there. I had been killing people not willingly but by force and I didn’t want Nancy to be a part of all this. I am still burning with revenge whenever I meet Derek, images of parents comes rushing into my mind. Today is the day when I will be destroying him forever.

I knocked in his door and entered the room when I got the permission. I want to the couch and directly sat on it waiting for him to finish his call.

“Flame” he eyed me as he ended his conversation. My name has been changed by the agency and I’m basically known for my ruthless ways of killing people. Whenever I am done, I would burn there bodies or their houses for no evidence.

“What is it?” I asked arrogantly and he rolled his eyes.

“Always arrogant. Get on your job. Take this” I threw a file on me as usual. The file contained every information about my work.

Today is the day I’ve been waiting my whole life. Today is the day when I was going to destroy him.

I nodded and got out of his room with the file still in my hand. As I walked through building I saw James holding a girl probably of fourteen to fifteen years old in his arms and he walked towards the Cellar while the girl was unconscious in his arms.

“Don’t worry girl I will save you” I muttered as I walked towards the basement and took the keys of my car from the person who was sitting on the counter. I showed him my file and he stamped on it and gave me the car keys.

We were only allowed to go out of the building whenever we were allotted for a work. There was a Chip stuck to every agent or shall I say Assassin to trace their location. So nobody could ever go against the agency.

But I was prepared.

As soon as I reached the car, igniting the engine I drove off to the location. While driving, I pulled my tank top up and pulled out the papers that I hid behind me underneath my Jacket. From my shoes, I fished out a pen drive and smirked keeping it on the papers.

“You are going down Derek” I spoke to myself and smiled with victory.

I have been secretly and cunningly collecting information against Derek. The pen drive contains all his illegal works which I stole from his Computer data secretively.

All I have to do now is to handle all this to the Police. I have a friend in Police who knew everything about me and the agency. He was the one who asked me to collect information against him and today was the day when I was going to do everything as I planned.

I parked my Car before the house where I was suppose to kill my target.

I took the gun and knife and walked in. The front door was closed but I opened it easily using my technique and walked in. The room was dark and I thought no one was there.

“Hands up” I stood dead on my track as the lights lit on and a man stood near the doorway pointing his gun at me.

I raised my eyebrow at him and took few steps towards him. I could see him Gulping. I was famous to my killing ways. I did not fear death. It was not possible for anyone to scare me.

“Put the Gun down Idiot” I muttered and rolled my eyes at Theo.

He smiled sheepishly and pulled his hands back.

“Geez! I thought I could scare you” he rubbed the back of his neck.

Theo was the Cop who was my friend who was going to help me against Derek. As I couldn’t go anywhere, we formed a plan for which Theo needed to change his identity and become our Agency’s new target and we made sure that I was the one who should get him as a target and for that we had to kill the other Assassins who were sent by Derek for Theo.

“The files are in the car” I spoke icily as I sat on a couch.

“I will take care of it from now on. A will inform the department for a Raid” he informed me as he got on his job calling his department.

“Leave Derek for me Theo. I want to destroy him by my own hands” I spoke sternly and with hatred.

“Listen Flame this isn’t possible. He will be in our custody and he can’t kill any more people now. I promise I will make sure to make his life a living hell” Theo tried to justify and I nodded.

“Don’t worry we will save the victims an you will not be involved in this case as I have promise you earlier” he spoke and I nodded.

He gave me a last glance and made his way out of the room.

I waited for two to three hours in that house and when the time came I switched on the Tv for the news for which I was waiting.

“Breaking news!”

“A private company has been raided by the Police today and the reason for the raid is shocking”.

“The company’s owner Mr. Derek Williams is a prime suspect for turning innocent peoples to deadly Assassins. I had been doing this work secretively for twenty years now. He had killed many innocent people and had been doing this shocking tragedy with human kind for years now”.

“Destroyed” I spoke as I watched the news feeling satisfied. I watched as he was arrested by the police and he walked out of the building trying to hide his face from the camera.

“Destroyed” I screamed throwing the remote.

“Derek Williams you are destroyed” I laughed as tears rolled down my cheeks.

My revenge was now complete.

I bandaged my hand as blood oozed out of my arms.

I had to use a knife to get rid of that chip which was stuck inside my body.

I sighed in contentment.

It’s been two months now. After the incidence with Derek, I went to the building and took my things with me. But I did burn the building down avoiding the fact that it was still under police care.

I just wanted my revenge and it was done. Flame got her revenge.

“Revenge is Bad Mr. Williams” I spoke with hatred as I remembered his words when I met him for the first time.

It was now the time for Ryan.

I have been after him since a month and according to a file which I got in Derek’s building he is three to four towns away.

I switched the lights off waiting for my target. The Blonde girl whom I met half naked in Ryan’s house whimpered because of the her odd position.

I found him. I found him living in an apartment. When I reached here it was evening and I found this Blonde girl in his bedroom half naked. Probably someone whom he screwed.

She tried to hit me when I barged in. So I had to show her her real place. I tied her hands backward and tied her legs and gagged her. She is now lying on the floor wearing her lingerie crying and thrashing to free herself.

I sat on the recliner as I waited for him. It was dark and I like it that way.

Finally waiting for hours, I heard the front door open and close.

“Brother is home” I smirked and rotated the gun from its Barrel.

The Blonde whimpered seeing the gun in fear and I smirked at her.

“Thank God that the Whore has left” I heard him speaking in the dark and I smirked even more when the blonde widened her eyes shocked.

The moment he came in his bedroom I spoke “Well Well look who is here!” and I marked as the figure stopped in its track. It ran to the switch board and switched on the lights.

“A-Aderyn?” He stood shocked there as I eyed him with hatred.

“Hello to you too Big Brother” I spoke sarcastically rolling my eyes at him. He looked different. He was no longer muscular. He looked thin now with beard in his face and dark circles.

“Y-You are Aderyn right?” He asked again as he took a step towards me.

I pointed my Gun towards him which caused him to stop.

“Yes I am Aderyn duh” I spoke sarcastically.

I untied the Blonde and without wasting any more minutes at ran out of the apartment only in her lingerie.

“You are alive?” He asked again not believing his own eyes.

“Why are you not happy seeing me alive?” I asked innocently.

“I am happy Aderyn. I can’t believe this” he spoke as he smiled at me.

“You are so grown up now” he spoke and tried to take a step towards me but I pointed the gun at him warning him.

“What are you doing with that gun? Leave it Adie it’s not a toy” he spoke as he tried to take a step.

I pulled the trigger and shot him in his right leg causing him to wince in pain and kneel down before.

“Aderyn!” He screamed as he held his leg crying.

“You know brother I wanted to hear this from a long time. You can’t understand the happiness I am getting hearing your screaming and wincing” I spoke icily.

“What do you mean?” He asked as tears rolled down his cheeks.

“It means it the day when you are going to end your life. Dear Brother” I spat and smirked seeing his eyes widened.


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