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You Kissed My Soul novel Chapter 28

Dylan Pov

I watched as Julie checked Aderyn and made me out of the room for changing her clothes. My wolf was pacing around panicking. He wanted to see Aderyn awake.

“What is wrong with her?” I asked getting restless to Julie.

She heaved a sigh and pursed her lips.

“I have given her the injection and changed her to something comfortable. She should be fine now” she told me but she looked unsure of what she was speaking.

“What’s with your behavior?” I asked sternly.

“We are werewolves, Alpha. We can heal really fast when we are hurt compared to a human. Aderyn is Human. Her wounds will heal with time but not her soul” she told me and her statement made me attentive.

“What do you mean by soul?” I asked confused.

“I also don’t know Alpha. As a doctor I tried my best and it’s already five hours since I have given her the medicines. She should’ve already responded to it but I don’t understand why she is not responding” she spoke with her professional tone.

“I don’t understand” I muttered as I went past her and entered the room where Aderyn was still not awake. She was now wearing a loose grey shirt with loose pants. She looked pale but she was breathing heavily.

“Aderyn wake up” I said as I took hold of her hand and gave it a squeeze. Her skin was cold. So, I covered her using the duvet and sat next to her on the bed feeling guilty.

“I am sorry Aderyn. It was all my fault” I spoke regretfully as I touched her face trailing my fingers on her eyebrow.

“Please wake up” I even begged.

“Sometimes brain do not listen to our commands” I heard someone speak and I turned around to find Estelle near the door.

“Estelle!” I spoke turning to face her still on the bed.

“Our brain has the capability to shut us down when we are in pain. It has the capability to lock us in our past moments making us shut down from the world” She spoke as she came near me.

“What do you mean?” I asked confused.

She looked at Aderyn and walked near her. She closed her eyes and changed something moving her lips. When she opened her eyes, her eyes were now glowing and she placed her hand on Aderyn’s forehead closing her eyes again. She stood like that for some minutes and I began to grow restless.

She jerked away her hand from Aderyn and opened her eyes. Her eyes came back to her normal form but what got my attention was her teary eyes.

“What is it?” I asked growing inpatient.

“You told me that you can’t read Aderyn’s thought and mind right?” She asked and I nodded confused on where this was going.

“When we are broken, alone we shut down ourselves from the world. But with this, we build a capability to control somewhat thoughts of our brain. Humans do not have such capability but only some special werewolves has this ability to control their thoughts. Aderyn is our Luna. She is a human but being the Luna to a werewolf king gives her power. When she doesn’t want any one to know her she controls her brain acting normal on a situation but in reality she panics” she filled me with the information as I tried to understand everything.

“She is a reservative human but for now she is stuck. Her brain is not listening to her commands and has chose to shut down. She is literally stuck inside her brain in some moments of her past” Estelle told me as she gave me a sad expression.

“What do you mean?” I asked

“This means she can’t control her body now. Her brain is controlling her now. She is stuck and being her mate you could make her come back to senses”.

“It would’ve been more simpler if you would’ve marked her at the first place. You could’ve easily read her mind and even know about her. But seeing the fact that you didn’t mark her you could still help in waking her up”.

“And how am I going to do that?” I asked as I got up from the bed.

“I will spell a magic which will break the barrier of her mind. You could enter her mind using your mate bond and look through her past. You will get to know her and after that you need to search for her and call her towards you. Ask her to follow your voice and she will be back” Estelle replied as she looked back at Aderyn.

“Why are looking sad?” I asked

“You will know soon” she told me and closed her eyes chanting something.

“Is everything alright?” I heard Cole speak to me through the mind link.

“Yes everything is alright” I spoke and was just about to ask something when Estelle signaled me to touch Aderyn’s forehead. I hesitated thinking that Aderyn will get angry later on if she finds about this but my wolf wanted her back, awake and so did I. So, I kept my hand on her forehead while Estelle chanted something.

Like someone pulled me I found myself getting pulled somewhere and all I could hear was Estelle’s Chanting.

Everything was dark and black. I looked around to find nothing.

“I am breaking the barrier now” I heard Estelle speaking.

I waited for her and soon the darkness changed into a white ball and I found myself getting somewhere. I looked around myself and saw that I was somewhere. It looked different. Everything looked Vintage and old.

I looked around when I heard someone giggling. I saw a kid who was wearing a Dungaree and a guy may be fourteen to fifteen years old playing in front of a house. They were throwing water balloons at each other laughing and smiling.

In no time I knew the girl as Aderyn. That small girl was Aderyn. She was laughing and throwing balloons at whom I think as her brother.

“Enough Kids you will catch cold” I heard a woman speaking and she came out of the house holding something in her hand. She was pregnant and she looked same as Aderyn.

“Mom!” Both of the kids shouted as they ran towards her.

“Ryan! Aderyn! You both are soaked” she yelled horrified looking at them while both of them laughed.

I felt kind of jealous seeing them. I never had such thing with my family. I could never play like a kid instead I had to learn using weapons when I was of their age.

I knew it that someone like Aderyn could never understand me.

The scene before me began to change I saw a man fishing and beside him a girl was sitting who was now maybe ten to twelve old years old. It was Aderyn now grown up.

They were looking happy as they were chatting and something splashing water at each other leaving their fish rods.

The scene before me changed and I was somewhere in a hospital now. I watched as Aderyn and her brother pacing around in the corridor while I could hear screams coming from inside the room. A nurse came out and ask the children to go in. They dashed inside and I found myself inside too.


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