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You Owe Me, My Love novel Chapter 442

Chapter 442 A Visit From a Friend

Bai Rong stopped in her tracks. Then, she remembered that he had access to surveillance. It was as easy as pie for him to find her.

Is he here to ask me to go back?

Gu Mingchen stepped out of the elevator and handed over the bag in his hand. “I’ve packed all of your things in here. Bai is in there too. Pets are probably prohibited in the hotel, so you had better not let anyone notice.”

Bai Rong’s heart sank. So he was just here to return her things. “Um… I really do not have time to care for Bai. Can you please take care of Bai for the time being?” she asked.

Gu Mingchen looked at her steadily, curled his lips, and uttered two words meaningfully, “Very busy?”

“Yeah,” replied Bai Rong.

Gu Mingchen opened the bag and took out the docile Bai.

Woof! Bai barked at her.

She touched Bai’s head tenderly.

The dog whined comfortably and even licked Bai Rong’s hand.

Her lips curled up into a gentle smile. Gu Mingchen gazed at her quietly, and the look in his eyes softened a little. But in a fraction of a second, he steeled himself and turned his back to her. He pressed on the elevator button to go downwards.

Bai Rong stared at his reflection on the elevator door.

Their heated gaze met on the cool steel surface of the elevator.

Bai Rong lowered her eyes and proceeded to walk back towards her room.

She took out her clothes and documents that were meticulously packed into a sealed package. She zoned out on the sofa for a while. Suddenly, she recalled that she still had something to do, she looked at her phone. The call is still ongoing! She had not hung up earlier.

She raised her phone to her ear and asked, “Aaron, are you still there?”

“Yes,” he responded.

“I’m so sorry, I ran into Gu Mingchen. We talked for a bit and I forgot. My apologies. You’re all still at the airport, right? I’ll come over now,” she said while getting up to make a move.

“There is no need. We are already on the way. Just a while more and we’ll reach the hotel you’re at,” said Aaron in a gentle tone.

He was a person with high emotional intelligence. Usually, when he sensed that a certain matter is sensitive for a person, he would not mention it. Even if he knew that Bai Rong and Gu Mingchen were not on good terms, he would not point it out directly.

“Oh, that’s great. It will probably take you all an hour to reach here. Let’s go for lunch, and I will show you around,” Bai Rong said with a smile.

“I’ve already booked the rooms. Let us reach first and we’ll see what to do,” Aaron said and hung up.

The weather was getting colder now. She did not have many outfits at her disposal. But, she would need some very soon as she had to socialize with the politicians and rich ladies.

She had less than an hour to visit the shopping mall next door. She quickly bought three sets of clothing and some cosmetics. Just as she returned to the hotel, she received a call from Aaron. After applying some simple makeup, she made her way down to the hotel lobby.

Aaron was already checking in at the reception.

There were six of them in total. She recognized Aaron and his grandmother. There was another old man, who she assumed to be Mr. Tang. Besides the three of them, there were two other young girls. Bai Rong was shocked because one of the girls looked a lot like her mother.

Bai Rong had features that were similar to Bai Bing. Hence, the girl whom she just met had roughly a sixty percent similarity to her as well.

She recalled that Aaron’s grandmother once mentioned that her maternal grandmother only had one child. And that was her mother. Is there something that I have missed out?

“Nian,” Aaron called.

Bai Rong came back to her senses. “Hi, how do you do? I am Wu Nian, Aaron’s friend,” she introduced herself.

Chapter 442 1

Chapter 442 2


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