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You Owe Me, My Love novel Chapter 443

Chapter 443 Why Are They Here?

Bai Rong looked at Ling and smiled.

She had done some research on personalities back in the United States.

A person’s personality is directly related to the environment that they grew up in. Children from a happy and wholesome household tend to be more outgoing and optimistic. On the contrary, those from families with issues would be more reserved and glummer. However, happy households could branch out into many different kinds as well, so that led to the formation of different personalities too.

It was obvious that Ling grew up in an environment where she was adored and given lots of love. Hence, she was lively, adorable, sunny, and carefree.

If her mom did not go missing, would she become an optimistic person instead?

A person with this kind of personality would probably be more attractive, unlike her…

Bai Rong thought of Gu Mingchen, and the look in her eyes darkened slightly.

“If you happen to know any exemplary men,” said Aaron’s grandmother, “please introduce them to Ling.”

Bai Rong thought about it for a while, then gave Aaron a light poke. “He’s the best man that I have ever met,” she claimed.

Ling snorted, “Stop being all lovey-dovey. Aaron’s great, but he does not think I’m good enough for him.”

“It’s not that I think you’re not good enough. We’re just not compatible,” Aaron corrected.

“Humph! There’s no need to explain. Your explanation is just a cover-up. Not that I care though,” Ling stuck out her tongue once more.

“She likes bad boys,” the other girl interjected while looking at Ling pointedly.

Ling got along well with her, so she teased her in response. “Nonsense! You’re the one who likes bad boys.”

Bai Rong smiled looking at the girls bantering.

She liked the harmonious vibe that they were emitting. It was full of joy and ease like afternoon during winter when warm rays of sunlight shone on your skin and made you feel warm.

“They are both are childish kiddos,” said Aaron to Bai Rong.

“That’s a good thing,” Bai Rong replied softly.

Not long after that, they reached the entrance of the A City Hotel. Bai Rong got down first, and the others followed her lead. She had reserved a private room in advance.

“Aaron, I know of a good fortune teller. Do you want to give it a try?” Bai Rong recommended. “The thing is, this fortune teller has quite a peculiar personality. He only sees three people each day and does not ask for any payment. It is based purely on his mood for the day.”

“Sure, this sounds interesting. Would he be able to tell my fortune? I’m an Ustranasion and not a local after all,” Aaron remarked.

Bai Rong shrugged, “Well, you won’t know if you don’t try. The scenery around that area is quite nice. If he’s unwilling to see you, we can just go sightseeing.”

“Sounds good,” said Aaron. He looked at Bai Rong dotingly, his eyes twinkling with affection.

Aaron’s grandmother looked at him and gave him a light smack on his hand.

Bewildered, he looked at his grandmother and asked, “Huh? What was that for?”

“Let’s go watch a movie tonight. I feel like watching a movie,” said Aaron’s grandmother merrily.

“There’s a movie with very high ratings. I’ve seen it, and I think it’s quite good. I’ll book the tickets so that we can all go watch it tonight,” Bai Rong recommended.

“Sure, that would be nice,” the jovial old lady agreed.

After everyone was seated in the private room, Bai Rong ordered a lot of dishes.

Halfway through the meal, Ling went out for a stroll and came back looking excited. As soon as she was seated, she whispered rapidly into the other girl’s ear.

“That’s Michelle, the two of them are best friends. They always hang out with each other,” Aaron informed Bai Rong.

“What are the two of you whispering about? Speak up. I would love to hear your interesting conversation,” said Aaron’s grandmother.

“Th-There are two really handsome men in another room. One looks cool, like a model from a magazine. The other one looks alluring with a unique aura. Do you want to go and have a look?” asked Ling, pointing at their door. The eagerness in her voice was unmistakable.

Ling truly had a warm and friendly personality.

“Are they as good-looking as Aaron?” asked Michelle.

Chapter 443 1

Chapter 443 2


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