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You Owe Me, My Love novel Chapter 444

Chapter 444 Just Go Back if You Cannot Bear With It

Bai Rong was sitting in the VIP lounge of the private hospital. She was waiting for the paternity test results.

While they were out having fun yesterday, Ling complained incessantly. They did not run into any more guys that were as handsome as the two men back at A City Hotel.

Bai Rong was still kind of worried even though Mr. Tang would be going back to Ustrana after the results were out.

Aaron peered at Bai Rong. “Don’t worry,” he said, “I’ve already reminded them. My grandma and the rest of them will not reveal anything.”

Bai Rong nodded and thanked Aaron, “Thank you, and sorry to trouble you. You already helped me a lot when we were overseas. And now, I still need your help.”

“You don’t have to keep thanking me. I’m still waiting for that meal you promised,” teased Aaron.

Bai Rong chuckled softly and said, “I have a yacht, and there’s a kitchen there. I think I’ll invite all of you to come over. I hope your grandmother doesn’t have seasickness, does she?”

“No, I don’t think she would get seasick,” smiled Aaron.

The doctor came out with the report of the results.

“Doctor, how is it?” asked Aaron.

Mr. Tang nervously stood up and planted himself in front of the doctor.

The doctor handed the report to Aaron. He announced with a smile, “Ms. Wu and Mr. Tang have an eighty-five percent match in their chromosomes. You are definitely related to one another.”

Mr. Tang swiftly snatched the report away from Aaron. He scanned through the results carefully to confirm what he had just heard. His features rearranged to form a surprised smile, and he looked at Bai Rong affectionately.

In contrast, Bai Rong just stood up calmly.

Mr. Tang rushed over to her and gave her a strong hug. “I have finally found you. I didn’t believe it when I first saw you yesterday. I am so happy I finally found you!”

Not showing much emotion, Bai Rong patted Mr. Tang’s back lightly.

“Come, return to Ustrana with me. I will make it up to you,” Mr. Tang held Bai Rong’s hand and said earnestly.

Bai Rong shook her head.

Mr. Tang’s excitement faded away, replaced by a hint of dread. Worry laced his voice as he asked, “Why? Are you not willing to have me as your grandfather?”

“No, that isn’t the case,” Bai Rong explained softly, “I am happy to have found my family. I have always known that I had a grandfather who was looking for my mother. For me, this is good enough. I hope that no one knows about our relationship. That way, there won’t be any unnecessary trouble.”

“Why? You are my granddaughter! Your mother had been away from home all these years. I didn’t have the chance to take care of both of you. Now that I have finally found you, I must make up for all those years. Just tell me what you want. I will give you anything,” Mr. Tang said desperately, afraid that Bai Rong refused to acknowledge him as her grandfather.

Bai Rong just smiled faintly. “That is the problem. If you gave me my share, your other children and grandchildren would end up getting less. I don’t really care about the inheritance and wealth. I am happy enough knowing that you are my grandpa. I will give you a call every now and then.”

“This is simply not enough! Wan should have half of everything I have. You are her only granddaughter. This is what you should have,” Mr. Tang said with tearful eyes.

Bai Rong had heard from Aaron’s grandmother that Mr. Tang had always felt immense guilt towards his first wife for remarrying. She even asked him what was the use of all that guilt for a dead person when you didn’t treat her better when she was still alive. A dead person would never get to see anything that you do for them.

Still, Bai Rong shook her head once again. “I am grateful, but really, no thank you. Just knowing is already sufficient for me. I do hope that you do not disclose our relationship to anybody else. This is the only thing that I beg of you.”

Mr. Tang wailed and bargained, “I will not tell anyone if you agree to accept half of my assets.”

Chapter 444 1

Chapter 444 2


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