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A Divorce After My Rebirth novel Chapter 202

202 Going Abroad Together 

On the other side, Rebecca brought Christina to Sapphire

Isabella looked even thinner, and her complexion was somewhat pale

Rebecca was originally a coldhearted person, and any gratitude towards Isabella was completely obliterated due to the current situation

At this moment, a few people sat in the living room of the apartment. The maid, seeing Rebecca, nervously poured coffee and respectfully stood behind Isabella

Sensing the maid’s fear of Rebecca, Isabella spoke gently, “Go to the kitchen.” 

Yes, Ms. Morgan!The maid gratefully glanced at Isabella and swiftly escaped into the kitchen like a frightened bird

Only Rebecca, Isabella, and Christina remained in the living room. Of the three, Rebecca had the worst expression. She picked up the cup in front of her and took a sip

Then, she asked in a gloomy tone, What have you done?” 

Rebecca sounded like she was interrogating Isabella

Initially, when Rebecca learned that Isabella was Natalie’s sister, and considering Natalie’s attitude

towards Isabella, she didn’t approve of this matter being made public.. 

Previously, Natalie’s divorce from Cedric was because of Isabella. If the fact that Isabelle was Natalie’s sister was exposed, it wouldn’t be good for the Johnson family’s reputation

Nowit was all over the place

Rebecca was someone who valued face, and she couldn’t stand those strange looks

Aunt, I don’t know what you’re talking about,” 

Isabella actually didn’t know what was happening outside

Her collaboration with Christina was, in fact, optional. She would know Cedric’s whereabouts from 

Christina and when he was with Natalie. Then, Isabella would call Cedric and cause Natalie to feel uneasy


Rebecca slammed her cup heavily on the coffee table. This movement clearly showed her restrained anger

Tabelle, I used to sympathize with what happened to you, but now!” 

Rebecca didn’t continue with the following words

But from her tone, it was clear

She could no longer feel any pity for Isabella on Ivan’s behalf

Shewas disappointed

Christina looked at how angry Rebecca was and said, Mom, don’t be angry. Maybe this is all a misunderstanding?” 

A misunderstanding?!” 

It would have been better not to mention that it had been a misunderstanding

Saying it was one only angered Rebecca further

During the time of Natalie and Cedric’s divorce, nothing had happened. Now that they were just starting to get along a bit, complications arose?! 

Rebecca wouldn’t believe it if Isabella confessed to having no plans to marry Cedric

Standing up, Rebecca looked at Isabella with a sharp and sinister gaze

Isabella, I am truly disappointed in you. Since I’m here today, I’ll be frank with you!” 

Don’t play these tricks anymore. Our family can make you prosperous for a lifetime. But if you want to 

become the young mistress of the Johnson family like your sister, you’re dreaming of something that can never come true!” 


In her words, there was a tinge of indignity

Isabella’s face instantly turned paler

God knew she hated being compared to Natalie, especially now when Rebecca was openly saying she wasn’t as good as Natalie

The hatred in her heart surged like a tidal wave


Call me Madam Johnson!” 

alla and Christina were both shocked and speechless

arly, they didn’t expect Rebecca’s attitude to be so icy, Isabella’s face drained of color

Christina stepped forward and grabbed Rebecca’s arm. Mom, please stop!” 

Rebecca also noticed Isabella’s discomfort

She opened her mouth to say something, but she stopped

In the end, she said, I’ve said what I needed to today, Isabella. I hope you can show some selfrespect and cherish the life you have now.” 

Having said that, Rebecca turned and left, not wanting to see her any longer

Her departing figure appeared so proud, leaving Isabella with a sense of fierceness

Christina watched Rebecca leave and then turned to the visibly pale Isabella

She said, It’s been hard for her lately.” 

This statement could be considered the best comfort for Isabella

Isabella hated Natalie. As long as Natalie didn’t have a good life, she could find some solace

“What I wanted is far from being achieved.” 

Isaac is back. When he was preparing to operate on you, his fiancée was kidnapped! All evidence points. to Natalie. Do you know what to do?Christina quickly said

Isabella nodded

With that, no matter what Natalie did now, she couldn’t escape responsibility

Christina hurriedly left

In the cold living room, only Isabella remained. She sat in the wheelchair in a daze, feeling the darkness around her

This darkness made her suffocate and intensified her hatred for Natalie

The maid came out from the kitchen, looking at Isabella with eyes full of pity

Miss, how could Madam Johnson treat you like that?” 

In the maid’s heart, Isabella was a good person. Initially, they thought it would be easy to take advantage of her blindness

+18 BONUS 

But after getting to know her, they couldn’t bear to trouble her. She was always protecting those around How could they not take good care of her

Isabella patted the back of the mald’s hand to reassure her, saying with a helpless tone, In wealthy families, they place great importance on one’s background.” 

Isn’t character important? Your sister is” 

Enough!Isabella interrupted the maid, making it seem like she was defending Natalie


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