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A Divorce After My Rebirth novel Chapter 213

Chapter 213 Chaotic Scene 

Lucas looked at the chilling aura surrounding Cedric

The words innocentseemed stuck in his throat

At this moment, in the entire Verde City, anyone connected to Natalie in Cedric’s eyes probably wasn’t 


However, Lucas was personally investigating Natalie’s affairs, and no loopholes could be found

Therefore, the possibility of reconciliation between Cedric and Natalie, in Lucas’s viewwas thoroughly 


Natalie was working tirelessly at the Auro Studio, dealing with the major issue arising from the east

suburb project

Previously, she had managed to secure many clients due to her uncle’s influence and Irwin’s reputation.. 

Now, they were all calling to terminate their contracts

Karina was handling it entirely

After careful verification, Natalie found that the problem in the eastern suburbs didn’t originate from her 



slumped in her chair, feeling completely drained. When Karina entered, she saw Natalie’s pale complexion and handed her a cup of coffee

Drink some.” 

What’s the current situation?Natalie asked

Karina looked at her with a troubled expression and shook her head. It’s not looking particularly good

right now.” 

Many ongoing projects have requested termination.” 

Let them,Natalie said

Now was not the 

not the time to 

to hold on

+15 BONUS 

Karina nodded. Yeah. That’s about how it is now.” 


The once thriving studio, overnight, became desolate due to the east suburbs project. The investigation

at the east suburbs site was ongoing

Natalie hoped it had nothing to do with her

If it really was related… 

She dared not continue thinking about the consequences

First and foremost, it would involve Irwin

Just then, her phone vibrated. Natalie glanced at Karina. Karina nodded and left the room

Alone in the office, Natalie looked at the number and answered, Are you satisfied now?” 

It was Cedric

Undoubtedly, Natalie was currently the target of Cedric’s wrath. His ventingin Natalie’s eyes, had absolutely no limits

He seemed to be pushing her into a dead end

Cedric said, Are you going to the police station to give a statement, or shall I help you?” 

Hmph!Natalie snorted

Go to the police to explain on Christina’s behalf

She wouldn’t go

Originally, he wouldn’t stop going after her for Isabella’s matter

Now that Christina had finally fallen into that pile of evidence, how could she easily let go

At this time, regardless of the method, she wanted to viciously make sure that Christina stayed Involved

The evidence was irrefutable, and Cedric had no choice

This was exactly what she wanted to see


Cedric, I really don’t have words for you! She’s been inside for a day, and you still believe I framed her?” 


+15 BONUS 

Isn’t it?” 

The man’s tone was full of sarcasm and disgust. Natalie shivered

No. She did all of those things. Since she did it, she must now pay the price for everything she did!” 

*Natalie, you disappoint me so much.” 

No, you’re the one who made me despair!” 

Yes, this man had once made her despair

Now, when he said she disappointed him, she found it so ironic

There was no hysteria from her previous life, no more despair

Cedric was determined to crush her, and she was ready to face it. She waited to see this man completely 

heartbroken, and she waited for himto die miserably

How about making Bianca pay a price for you?” 

What are you saying?” 

She should have been taken away by people from the relevant department by now.

Natalie froze, and a chill crawled up her spine. She trembled angrily, unable to say anything at the 


She’s being taken in for improper conduct as the lawyer for the opposing party. It serves her right” 

Bianca isn’t that kind of person!” 

Cedric was framing Bianca

Cedric, how can your methods be so despicable?” 

Compared to you, I’m far behind!” 

I haven’t done anything!” 

With such a scandal, Blanca’s life as a lawyer should be over, right?” 

Natalie felt like even the blood in her veins had turned to ice. She felt ashen, once again experiencing the 

sensation of being choked


+15 BONUS 

Unce Tina comes out, Bianca will be safe! If Tina doesn’t come out, Bianca will stay with her inside


Natalie was burning with anger at this moment


Anyone who knew Natalie even a bit knew what kind of presence Bianca was in her world. Natalie 

wouldn’t allow Bianca to suffer even a bit. Every time she faced difficulties, Bianca was selfless and 

unwavering by her side

Now, Cedric was using Bianca to threaten her

Undoubtedly, Natalie believed in Bianca. She believed that Blanca wasn’t that kind of person

For Christina’s sake, Cedric had turned into a true madman


You love Christina a lot, don’t you?” 

He loved her enough to do such despicable things

He shouldn’t have gotten married! He shouldn’t have liked any other woman

If he had married that adopted daughter, wouldn’t everything be fine?! 


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