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A Graduation Gift novel Chapter 115

Cassandra had always convinced herself that as long as she indulged herself in working hard, things would become better.

For her not to be a person who couldn't earn her living and be dependent on others, she went to Rome to study architecture and design.

While some of her classmates were shopping, dating and partying, Cassandra stayed in the library, studying piles of thick books about architecture.

Cassandra, as one of the few Asians in college, consistently scored higher than her classmates and won the full scholarship. She was studying at one of the prestigious schools in Rome without spending a penny.

In one instance, she had beaten some famous designers and won a prize in a design competition when she was still a college student.

When she was employed by the Tang Group, no one really trusted and respected her. She was so young and inexperienced. Everyone wondered how she could be the manager of the design department of the Tang Group. Cassandra ignored all those criticisms. She had just kept her mouth shut while busy signing contracts one after another.

There was a two-hour lunch break in Tang Group. During the break, everyone in the office would gather together and get out to grab some food. Cassandra, however, would always take a snap, order something to takeout and then get back to work right after lunch.

She was never late or got off work early for no reasons. Instead, she always worked late, determined to give her clients a perfect design.

She worked very hard these past years, thinking that her life was getting better and better gradually. However, now she felt exhausted. She didn't know whether she could carry on with her way of life.

"Cassandra, some senior executives of your father's company came to our house today. They asked me about my plans. They said if the business volume couldn't recover, they might resign,"

Edith called Cassandra during the lunch break. She sounded so nervous on the other end of the phone that Cassandra could even imagine her anxiety without seeing her.

"I see, mother. I will go to dad's company tomorrow and talk to them. Please don't worry."

When she hung up the phone, Cassandra bent over the desk and sighed, helpless.

She felt stressed and drained.

Cassandra thought the prize she won in the competition could support herself for a while. However, Horace gave all her cases to the other designers and she couldn't even fight for that. Otherwise, people would think her as a self-centered and arrogant manager who would take all the credits and didn't give opportunities to others.

She was so annoyed.

Suddenly, the door opened. Victor walked into her office, with a food container in his hand.

"Good afternoon, Manager Qin. Mr. Luo asked me to bring you this."

Victor walked towards her desk and put down the food container and left. Victor's timing was just perfect. Cassandra was hungry and she was glad that someone sent her some food.

She opened the container, the meat dishes and vegetables all looked tasty and smelled better than the takeout she used to order.

Fried potatoes with green pepper, stewed pork trotters...everything looked mouthwatering.

Cassandra could see that Rufus had put a lot of effort into preparing them.

She decided to give herself a break and enjoy the sumptuous meal. Clearing off her desk, she took the dishes and carefully placed the silverware on the desk. Now it seemed to her that she was eating in a restaurant.

When she was about to eat the dish, Cassandra noticed a card stuck at the bottom of the food container.

Pulling it out, she couldn't help but be amazed at how thoughtful Rufus was.

The note said, "Enjoy your meal and take some rest."

A wave of warmth rushed over Cassandra making her excited to take a bite of the dish.

Although Rufus was always quiet, Cassandra knew that he cared for her. He helped her sign up for the design competition, helped her find Joel who framed her up. And now, he was worried about her health since she always ordered takeouts all the time and prepared meals for her. He even included such a thoughtful note.

Cassandra blushed when she fumbled at what was written on the note. It reminded her of what Rufus said to her last tiime, "Be my woman."

'Rufus, just wait for me. I will leave the Tang Group one day. By then, we can stay with together forever, ' Cassandra thought to herself.

When Victor came back to Rufus's office, Rufus just finished his work and turned off his computer.

"Did you throw it away?"

he asked Victor with a gloomy face, obviously annoyed and frustrated.

"Throw… away?"

Victor was very confused. He thought Rufus just made a mistake.

"Angie told me that she gave the food container to you. Didn't you throw it away?"

Rufus raised his eyebrows inquisitively. Victor wasn't a talkative person, but he was an efficient one. Rufus could sense that something went wrong since Victor just hemmed and hawed.

Hearing Rufus's words, Victor felt electrified, as if there was something buzzing inside his head.

Later this morning, at about lunchtime, when he walked into Rufus's office, Angie handed him the food container and said, "President asked you to handle this."

Professional as always, Angie gave him a sweet smile before going back to her desk.

Victor touched the container and it was still warm. Opening it to see what was inside, he was surprised to see a feast of a healthy meal.

Victor assumed Rufus asked him to give it to Cassandra.


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