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A Graduation Gift novel Chapter 135

Rufus turned to Lionel's direction and cocked an eyebrow, expecting some sort of explanation.

"What are you talking about? Cassandra gets the shares because she's earned it. I did not have a hand in this I swear. What does it have to do with me?"

Rufus was indignant at Lionel's mutterings because he knew that Lionel was just trying to rock the boat. Lionel turned to Cassandra, "Cassandra, you're one of us. We can help you manage the vast Qin Group. You won't even have to lift a finger. This is obviously a win-win situation. You realize that, don't you?"

Rufus's answer was irrefutable, so Lionel tried to appeal to a different side of things.

Cassandra sighed deeply, visibly weary and resigned. It was as clear as day the Tang family wanted to take this opportunity to acquire Qin Group. Who could blame her for wanting to protect it?

"Listen, Lionel. I will never, ever, give up my father's legacy to anyone. Even if it is on the verge of bankruptcy, I won't just abandon it at the first sign of reprieve. This is my commitment to my family. You glibly said that I was one of you. Now, I want you to ask yourself, and I mean really think about it, if you have ever seen me as a member of this family."

Lionel was as stubborn as a bull. Cassandra was too tired to face him or Horace. She was weary from all the hurt pent up inside. She had devoted herself to the Tang family, but they never regarded her as part of the family.

"I lost my appetite. I'm going up to rest."

Cassandra stood up and promptly turned around, fully intent on just getting to bed, but no sooner had she taken her first step than Lionel continued to criticize her.

"You're feeling guilty, aren't you? You are a bona fide employee of the Tang Group, yet you also work for Qin Group. I wonder if you have ever used your position to your advantage to seek benefits for Qin Group."

Rufus stared icily at Lionel who was clearly making a fool of himself. He had failed outright in the task Horace asked him to do, so now he was just trying to embarrass Cassandra.

The Tang Group, for so many years, had dominated the industry in G City, but now Rufus saw a slight decline.

He would eventually witness its decline right before his very eyes. Like a frail old man on his deathbed, it would eventually succumb to the long, dark sleep.

A few days later, Cassandra was in her office, burying herself in work. A messenger came by and gave her new commissions. She almost squealed in surprise when she saw that she had received the design commission for the Ferris wheel.

As he promised, Rufus had talked with Dawn Star Group regarding the amusement park project; and Tang Group would be in charge of the construction of the Ferris wheel.

Cassandra's phone vibrated. It was a text from Rufus.

"Congratulations, your dream of designing the Ferris wheel is one step closer to fruition."

Her cheeks turned a bit scarlet red, and she unconsciously closed her eyes and held the phone close to her heart, unable to contain the fountain of emotions.

Good news came when people least expected it. With the river running through the city at its heart, the government was pushing for a tourist-centric area to be built which integrated urbanization, scenic vistas and food culture. Moreover, a film and television base would be built in the ancient site of G City. For a time, the massive undertaking of the industrial area had made headlines.

With its accumulated years of experience and solid business in G City, Tang Group had been handpicked by the government as one of the most important construction firms of the industrial area and was invited to attend the opening ceremony, as well as the grand cocktail party.

As the best performing designer of Tang Group, Cassandra was also invited to the grand event.

Her Ferris wheel design was said to have won the heart of the largest investor in the undertaking. The investor loved her design so much that he had his assistant hand-delivered the invitation to her in person.

Horace, on the other hand, had been in good mood these days. Although he couldn't attend the opening ceremony due to his increasing frailty, Rufus, Lionel and Cassandra would be there to represent him.

There would also be many investors attending the ceremony. If the Tang Group could attract more investments and capital injections, their business would truly boom in the near future.

The cocktail party was held solemnly after the opening ceremony. Lionel took his wife Cassandra to meet and greet different investors in attendance.

Cassandra could feel a pair of eyes burning holes through her at all times. She knew how he felt.

But now, she had to be patient. She needed to endure all of this and force a smile while following Lionel to clink cocktail glasses with celebrities.

Finally, the party came to an end. Cassandra promptly left and stopped pretending to be in good graces with Lionel.

Lionel, however, stopped her dead in front of her car.

"I can tell that you don't want to be with me. Is it that repulsive to be my wife?"

Lionel's eyes were red with fury. At the party just awhile ago, Cassandra embarrassed him by refusing him when he tried to put his arm around her waist.

"Lionel, let's not make a scene here, shall we? We're still at the party."

Cassandra lowered her voice and smiled at the passing people, worried that people around might hear them.

"Since you clearly know where we are and who's watching, we should be seen leaving together."

Lionel pointed to his car impatiently.

"Don't even bother. I used my own car to get here, so now I have to drive it back. Lionel, for a long time, I have just seen myself as an employee of the Tang Group. You have to realize that you are not my husband right from the start!" Cassandra quipped.


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