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A Graduation Gift novel Chapter 147

Everyone panicked as they heard a sudden shout. Unaware where it was coming from, they looked around and finally found Lionel. He was standing in the doorway with a sullen face.

Cassandra, on the other hand, shared the surprise too. She couldn't believe it was Lionel who had let out the cry.

'Didn't he ask me to leave the Tang Group for the divorce deal? Why is he around to embarrass me all over again?' thought Cassandra looking agitated.

"Mr. Tang, President Luo has approved my resignation. It is the corporation's rule that dismissal of a managerial personnel should be approved by both the board of directors and the president. But resignation only requires the president's approval," Cassandra replied.

While speaking, she tried her best to be patient. She intended to reason with Lionel. The smile she had earlier started to fade. Now it was replaced with an emotionless look.

The whole place contained pin drop silence. Following Lionel's rebuke, nobody in the personnel department apart from Cassandra dared to speak. In a hurry, everyone turned their heads away from this conversation and made an attempt to busy themselves.

However, Cassandra was well aware that their ears were still trying to make out their conversation. Turning around was only a facade to look good in front of Lionel. But curiosity was killing everyone present there.

"Yes, I am the one who has the permission to resign you. There is no way you can leave without my approval. My signature is required for you resignation. Without it, you are trapped!" Lionel spat out with rage.

After that, he stormed towards the Director of the Personnel Department and grabbed Cassandra's resignation and ID card from his desk. Swiftly he handed them to Cassandra and warned, "Take back your resignation. You cannot leave here unless you have my signature. Put on the card and continue observing the corporation rules!"

Lionel knitted his eyebrows as he glared at her. Cassandra kept still and didn't bother taking the things from Lionel.

At the moment, she was speechless and thought his behavior was surprising. 'How can Lionel be so fickle? It was he who forced me to sign the divorce agreement. And now he is acting completely different. Why is he ridiculously stopping me from leaving here?' she wondered.

"Mr. Tang, I have submitted my resignation to Mr.Luo and he has approved it. I will cooperate with you if you need any support in the future. It is certain that my resignation has come into effect as Mr.Luo has already signed it. From now on, I am not an employee of the Tang Group, therefore I am under no obligation to comply to the rules set by this corporation."

As she uttered these words, there was a look of resolution on her face. She seemed firm and wouldn't budge.

In the past few years, she had suffered a lot from this marriage. Marriage was supposed to give her a happy life but she never got to experience it. All of the beautiful dreams were ruined by this absurd marriage.

Lionel had never managed to fulfill any of the responsibilities that a husband should. Moreover, he was unfaithful to her and got another woman pregnant. To top it all, he had the audacity to bring that woman to their house in order to care for her.

Up until today, she had swallowed all the pain and humiliation. She did all this for the well-being of her family. She believed this would make their lives easy.

But when his father was in trouble, her so-called husband just stood by and watched the drama. Furthermore, he bought equities from the shareholders when her father was in prison, attempting to annex her father's corporation.

Now she saw no need to tolerate him any longer. The sole reason why she was forced to live with him was gone and now she was an independent woman.

All these years, he had never shown any respect for her. In truth, she didn't mind the fact that he didn't love or care for her; but he didn't even consider her human enough for respect.

Lionel, on the other hand, was quite frustrated hearing Rufus had approved her resignation. He started pulling on his hair like a wild animal in rage. Quickly, he moved a step closer to her.

"You cannot leave this place without my approval!" he screamed.

Despite the anger in his voice, he was well aware that he had wronged Cassandra. Deep down he knew he had to let her go. However, there was a voice in his mind that begged him to stop her. The idea of her leaving was impossible for him to imagine.

His mind was full of regret. He even turned panicky when he found he was unable to approach this woman as her husband.

Earlier, Lionel had thought that his true love was Ivy. He thought she was way better than Cassandra in every aspect. Back then Cassandra seemed plain and boring.

He made up his mind telling himself that she wasn't his type. But now as he watched her get out of his control, something inside him turned wild. He had this newfound passion for her.

Lionel began to utter more nonsense in front of everyone.

It was hard for Cassandra to overlook her colleagues who began winking at each other. Lionel's manner must have left them shocked and surprised.

To get rid of his badgering, she realized she had to do something. Standing still was not an option anymore.

"Lionel, wake up! Don't live life as if you were sleepwalking all day!"

With that she strode by him and stepped out of the Personnel Department. Standing outside the building of the Tang Group, she gave out of sigh of relief. She was relieved that she didn't even bother to listen to Lionel's snarls.

"Cassandra, stop! If you leave now, this door will be closed forever!"


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