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A Graduation Gift novel Chapter 153

The lobby was full of commotion as anxious journalists were waiting. They were chatting and cleaning their equipment waiting for their target to appear. All of a sudden, a person wearing the same outfit as Lyndsy's came out of the building.

"Lyndsy... Lyndsy is here!"

Somebody from the crowd spotted the figure and screamed her name out of surprise and excitement.

In an instant, everyone turned their heads and rushed forward following the figure with their cameras.

The figure ran out of the office building and came to a halt about 200 meters away from it. Photographers and cameramen surged forward. Zooming and clicking on their devices to capture the figure's reaction as they began asking her questions.

"Lyndsy, what's your opinion about having two heroines in this movie?"

"Lyndsy, it's said you want to break up with the company. Is that true?"

"Lyndsy, you..."

Everyone was stunned when suddenly, the figure at the center of the crowd took off her mask with a grin.

"Have you guys mistaken me for someone else?"

Silence fell upon the group, those who bombarded the fake Lyndsy with questions stared at the petite girl, dumbfounded. They examined her features from head to foot, she was not Lyndsy.

"But the clothes..." a journalist exclaimed in disbelief.

"Please, could you excuse me?"

Cassandra elbowed her way through the crowd and hailed a taxi, swirling the mask by her finger.

It was not until the cab sped off did these gossip-providers understand what was going on.

"We have been fooled!"

Someone blurted it out and everyone present began to regret their carelessness. With their shoulders in a shudder and their heads low, the crowd dispersed gradually one by one.

Cassandra looked back in the cab and smiled as the crowd scattered.

Enjoying her victory, Cassandra was surprised that such a simple trick could fool the journalists. It seemed that they were so desperate to interview Lyndsy that they didn't notice the woman in Lyndsy's clothes was way shorter than her.

On the back of her mind, she recalled the moment when she pulled Lyndsy to the ladie's room with her. She suggested that they should exchange outfits.

Cassandra pointed at Lyndsy's coat and motioned her to took it off and give it to her so they could switch over.

"Your clothes are too brightly colored. They are too eye-catching."

Lyndsy began to inspect her clothes in the mirror. She was wearing a light blue dress matched with a rose red coat. The colors were both bright and in sharp contrast. While Cassandra was in a plain grey coat and a large scarf covered half of her face. It was easy to keep a low profile in Cassandra's outfit.

"But we are of different figures..."

Lyndsy was tall and willowy while Cassandra was petite. It was easy to tell the difference.

"It's okay. Don't worry. I will rush out to attract their attention. They will follow me as long as they see your clothes. When there's no one around, just go ahead and run away!"

Cassandra took off her scarf and placed it around Lyndsy's neck. She made several loops around her face until only her eyes were exposed.

Lyndsy checked herself out in the mirror. Indeed, no one could see her face wearing the scarf and besides she didn't have another way to escape from the ravening journalists. She was going to give the trick a try.

With everything set, and their clothes already exchanged, Cassandra and Lyndsy prepared themselves for the trap that they set for the journalists.

Cassandra put on the mask and took a deep breath before she ran out of the main entrance.

Luckily, the plan did work, as the journalist dashed after Cassandra the moment they saw her running out.

"Miss, you told me to drive forward. But I don't know where you want to go..."

The taxi driver asked Cassandra with a confused look. He was eyeing Cassandra from the rearview mirror.

Cassandra pondered for a while and told the driver to go to the newly opened Decoration Material Mall. She remembered that she needed to pick up some office supplies and some materials for decorations.

The Decoration Material Mall was opened half a year ago and was different from other markets selling furniture. The company running the mall didn't make profits from leasing to various shops but housing only quality and well-known brands instead.

This high-class shopping mall was actually one of the affiliates of the TY Group. Cassandra was startled at how clean and luxurious the mall was when she walked inside.

Cassandra looked around and browsed in from one shop to another. Feeling a little tired, she sat on the bench at the center of the hall. She didn't notice that a pair of eyes were looking down at her from above.

"How long are you going to hide it from her?"

Jasper studied the woman with interest. He stood behind the office window, Cassandra wouldn't see who he was even if she happened to look up.

"Hide it from her?"


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