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A Graduation Gift novel Chapter 17

"You have no right to say no. As the daughter of Qin family, you should be thinking about how to serve the family well. This marriage is a step forward for all of us. Whether you want to marry or not is not up to you!"

"Stop being selfish! Marrying into the Tang family is not a sacrifice."

"You must marry!"

"Cassandra, I'm so sorry. Forgive me, but I have no choice..."

Cassandra shot up from her bed, her body covered in damp sweat. The nightmares had come back - old, painful, memories that held the burn of words. She thought she could feel her mother's wet tears and hear the haunting voice of her apology echo in the room and reach her. She took deep breaths, trying to steady her breathing. Lying back down on her bed, she wrapped the quilt around her, as if it gathered her own sufferings as well.

Prompted by her earlier remembrances and unable to sleep, she let herself surrender to memories from farther back. Four years ago, it was supposed to be a time of hope. She was a senior high school student who was about to graduate. The future ahead of her was painted in bright warm colors. However, life isn't always what one likes, is it? That year, the Qin family suffered huge business failures. It was teetering at the edge of closing down when projects failed, one after another.

Soon, their business partners had terminated agreements, and the banks refused to grant them loans. The company was close to biting the dust, and it was as if the world was taking her future away piece by piece. It was at this time of crisis that the Tang family appeared like a last thread of hope, offering a helping hand to the Qin family.

But of course, it came with a price - her hand in marriage to the Tang family's son. In retrospect, the Tang family did not simply extend their hand as an act of graciousness. The two families had been intertwined in complicated relationships. To put it simply, the fall of the Qin family would have adverse, albeit indirect, damage to the Tang family's interests, so they could not just watch as they fell down and in turn pull them a few steps down as well. In the end, they figured out that marriage would be a simple way to deal with their complex positions.

Marriage would solidify the pact established between the two families, as other families sometimes did to gain a more favorable position. Finding no other alternatives, the Qin family grasped tightly at what seemed to be their last thread of hope for survival and agreed.

Cassandra was the cost of the sacrifice. At just 18 years old, she found herself in a strategic marriage with a man she had never met, and she was powerless to say otherwise.

She remembered how she had desperately tried to escape, rejecting the marriage and running away from home. At that time, she felt as if the world was playing a cruel joke. First, take away everything that she had, and then offer a sliver of hope at the cost of her freedom. She was determined to live her own life, but she could do nothing else when her weeping mother knelt in front of her and pleaded for her to agree. The image of her mother's tear-streaked face and trembling voice were still haunting her to this day. It was as if her heart was ripped from her chest, and with closed eyes, she faced her own despair to save her family from theirs.

Perhaps it was for the best, she thought that time.

The day of her wedding came. It was small and simple. Horace's original plan was to have a grand wedding, as was the tradition of their family, and of course to prove the Tang family's power. However, it was strongly opposed by his son, Lionel.

From Lionel's attitude, Cassandra could tell without any other indications that he was in the same boat as her - he was also forced into a marriage with a stranger for the sake of families. It was all so very ironic that such a happy event would bring two young people nothing but grief and loss.

On their wedding night, Lionel drowned his despair in alcohol and was dead drunk. He kicked the door of their wedding room open and staggered inside, grabbing Cassandra by her wedding dress and staring down at her. His eyes spilled out his disgust as he looked at her.


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