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A Graduation Gift novel Chapter 38

In the VIP Reception Room of the Hotel

When Cassandra and Rufus entered the reception room, they saw Lionel already sitting there. He had been waiting impatiently, and the anger in his eyes was obvious.

After that call, Lionel discovered that his wife didn't even have his phone number saved. It greatly wounded his pride.

"What are you doing here?"

Cassandra stared at Lionel, her face puzzled. Rufus and she came here for the project. Why was Lionel here in H City?

A teasing smile hung on Rufus's thin lips. He was wearing an air of nonchalance, with elusive expression in his dark brown eyes.

Cassandra's words added fuel to the fire that already blazed in Lionel's heart. Fury flashed in his eyes. Lionel stood up from the sofa. A vicious sneer curled the corners of his mouth.

He glanced at Rufus who remained silent beside Cassandra before walking up to his wife. What he did next was unexpected.

Lionel slowly reached out and pulled Cassandra in his arms, right under Rufus's nose. Cassandra yelped with astonishment as she was slammed against his chest. She pushed against him furiously.

"You are my wife. Do I need a reason to come and see you, huh?"

Lionel whispered in her ear as he held her. His voice was low and gentle, and every word seemed to indicate his endless affection for her.

Cassandra knew he had something up his sleeve. "Lionel, what are you doing? Let go of me!"

A mild blush appeared on Cassandra's cheeks. Embarrassed, she stole a glance at Rufus. For some reason, she felt guilty that he had to witness this and she tried hard to wriggle free from Lionel's hold.

"Come on, hon! We've been married for years now. You are so feisty in bed with me. I want to show off our for each other. Why do you feel shy in front of our brother?

When Cassandra showed no signs of yielding, Lionel tightened his grip. Shaken and winded by his strength, she stopped struggling.

'Was this man neurotic? What was he talking about? Since when I was feisty and passionate in bed with him!? We've never even had sex before.'

"It's funny. If you're such a passionate couple, why is Cassandra resisting you?"

Rufus, the silent spectator so far, drawled lazily. Feigning indifference, he narrowed his eyes at them. Cassandra still looked uncomfortable in his arms. Lionel's deliberate provocation was ridiculous.

His eyes zeroed in on the hands that touched Cassandra. He was unable to bear the sight of it. A sense of anger had been stirred up inside. 'How dare him!'

"Oh? Tell me, Rufus. Do you always insist on being the third wheel between a husband and his wife? Don't mistake yourself into believing that if you bring my wife on a business trip, you can do whatever you want with her!"

Lionel said, an insinuating and ironic smile spreading over his face. A flash of disdain passed in his eyes as he glared at Rufus.

"Lionel, that's enough!"

Cassandra raised her voice, her bright eyes blazing with anger. She couldn't stand it anymore. He wasn't listening to her at all.

Lionel was being unreasonable and needlessly malicious.

He turned his gaze to her, his expression stormy at her sudden shout. Lionel loosened his grip, his chilly eyes narrowing at Cassandra. The look he gave her could have turned water into ice.

"I knew there was something between you two. Cassandra, I didn't know you were so wanton. You are so lonely that you can't get through one day without touching a man, aren't you?"

Lionel's ruthless words were like a knife slashing right at her. Her jaw dropped and she blinked her eyes in surprise.

She had listened to him slinging mud at her many times, but it was always in private. Now, he was humiliating her in front of others.

"Be careful with your words, Lionel! Who do you think you are! Don't slander me like this in public. Your accusations are a pack of lies!"


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