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A Graduation Gift novel Chapter 84

The desk shuddered as a phone's ringtone for an incoming text message rang out. Cassandra, who was buried in her work, stared at the phone for a split-second, sighed, and then picked it up in a fluid motion. It was Stella.

She unlocked it with her fingerprint and read the message, "Hi, honey. It's a bright and lovely day. I've got a date with yoga!"

The text drew a faint smile from Cassandra. Stella was such an optimistic and not to mention, energetic person. Cassandra felt drawn to her, like she was this huge magnet. She just couldn't control herself with Stella, and wanted to approach her and befriend her.

Having such a cheery friend was like bathing under the sun on warm winter afternoon. It was comfortable as hell.

Cassandra glanced at the desk clock and saw that it was time to get off work, but she was still double checking the design layouts meticulously. She wanted to make sure all her outputs were topnotch quality when she turned them over to the clients.

After a couple of hours, she was done. She felt relief wash over her as she yawned and stretched her tired bones.

When she was about to leave, her phone rang. Cassandra's eyes lit up. She answered the call and heard a familiar baritone from the other end of the line.

"I know you haven't eaten yet since you're probably on overtime. Meet me at the parking lot. I'll treat you to dinner."

It was Rufus, as Cassandra had expected. He was the only senior executive who would work overtime in the Tang Group.

"It's really late. I just want to go home and get some rest."

She was excited, but she thought it was better to politely refuse.

Rufus seemed to ignore this. He only sounded more determined.

"I will see you in a couple of minutes."

Bossy as always, this was Rufus. He just went on ahead and hung up before Cassandra could say anything.

The continuous beep from the other end of the line startled Cassandra. She put down the phone, caught in a dilemma whether to meet Rufus or not. Then her stomach grumbled like a dog about to bite.

'Calm down, Cassandra. It's just two people eating food.' Cassandra repeated to herself, biting her lip.

A few minutes later, in the Tang Group parking complex, Cassandra saw Rufus beckoning to her. He was sitting comfortable in the driver's seat of a matte black Rolls-Royce.

"Well, where are we going to get some food?"

She slid into the car as she asked Rufus, her cheeks flushed.

Rufus just smiled at her and started the engine. The car roared to life.

"You'll know when we get there," he replied in a mysterious tone.

If it had the approval of Rufus, the restaurant had to be grand and beautiful, and the dishes had to be world-class quality. Neither of these two elements were dispensable when it came to dining for Rufus.

It was given that these restaurants had exorbitant prices.

When they arrived, Cassandra took a gander at the place. It was grand as expected.

But the place wasn't what surprised her the most, it was the fact that they were the only two guests at the restaurant. Rufus booked the whole joint! Mellow piano music echoed through the high ceiling. It did good to ease Cassandra's growing anxiety.

The luxurious dinner made Cassandra feel like she was in a vivid dream. Rufus and her were having a candlelight dinner. The piano, the wine, and most importantly, the devilishly handsome man sitting right across her…it was like a romance movie.

It was all too surreal.

Out of nowhere, her eyes started to well up. She wanted to forget about Lionel, Ivy, and everything else. She was too exhausted from the mess between her family and the Tang family.

After they finished dinner, Cassandra looked a bit upset. Rufus could tell from her melancholic eyes. His brows furrowed and looked at her with tender concern.

"There's a nice place nearby. Would you like to go check it out? Our company is investing in a new construction project in the vicinity. You might catch some inspiration there."

Cassandra's eyes lit up and she beamed at Rufus. She had been worried about one particular design lately and some much-needed insipiration would be welcome.

But before Cassandra could assent, Rufus had already started the car and sped forward. The strong V12 engine of the Rolls-Royce made her stick to the seat.

She stole a glance at Rufus and saw that he was smiling. Sometimes, Cassandra and Rufus seemed to understand each other so perfectly well that sometimes they didn't even need to utter a word to communicate.

Rufus parked his car in front of a huge amusement park entrance. Cassandra rolled down her window and stuck her head out for a better view.

Althought it was late into the night, the park was still packed with tourists. Neon lights reflected on every surface and the crowd was bustling with commerce and leisure. Children and teenagers were screaming onboard the thrill rides.

Rufus took Cassandra's hand and they went in. He stood out since he was wearing a business suit amongst the crowd who had a more casual style.

When she entered the park, all of Cassandra's sadness and disappointment disappeared. Seeing Rufus all serious, she offered, "Why don't you take off that jacket?"

Rufus was startled by Cassandra's concern. But he listened anyway and took off his jacket.

"There you go! You look so much younger with just the shirt on!"

Cassandra squinted for a more examining look at Rufus. He was so handsome, like a prince who came straight out of a fairy tale. No longer stood out though, he could fit right in on the crowd.

When Cassandra finished speaking, the two of them burst into laughter, not a care about how loud they were.

When they passed by the pirate ship ride, Cassandra's eyes seemed to light up. Rufus noticed and immediately went to buy the tickets.


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